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Browse Windows 7 Music Files on Cell Phone
How do I browse music files located on my Windows 7 computer from my Samsung SGH-A777 cell phone?
If your Samsung SGH-A777 cell phone is connected to your Windows 7 computer, you can browse Windows 7 music files from your phone use these steps:
1. Connect your Windows 7 system to your cell phone with Bluetooth radio.
2. On your Windows 7 computer, copy a music file, NorthRiver.mp3, to "C:\Users\joe\Documents\Bluetooth Exchange Folder".
3. On your Samsung SGH-A777 cell phone, go to "Menu > Settings > Connectivity > Bluetooth > My Devices". You will see "NEW_LAPTOP" is listed as connected.
4. Click on "NEW_LAPTOP". You will see a list of shared files from the Windows 7 computer. NorthRiver.mp3 is in the list.
5. Click on "NorthRiver.mp3" to get the music file.
⇒ Picture File Bluetooth Visible on Samsung SGH-A777 Phone
⇐ Bluetooth Exchange Folder on Windows 7 System
2012-02-23, 4421🔥, 0💬
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