Windows Store is showing 1 update available, but when I click it displays no updates


Windows Store is showing 1 update available, but when I click it displays no updates

✍: Guest


I had this, too. For me it was because the Kindle App was installed, but is no longer supported. So the Store put the icon that something needed updating, but nothing to update. Funny little oversight by someone.

This could happen with other apps that are not supported any longer, I suspect. It seems the selection of apps that actually function is currently on the decline. Let's hope that changes when Windows 8 is released for real!

The Kindle metro app is no longer supported, but I didn't like it anyway. Too many features missing (like 2-column view, which I really need on my wide screen tablet!). So I am back to using the standard Kindle program for Windows, which runs fine on the desktop.

But the Kindle app will keep working fine. The update message dissapears if you uninstall it, but be warned - you cannot re-install the Kindle app. So if you like it, keep it.

2012-09-06, 4486🔥, 0💬