How do I set up a 'Guest' user (log in) account on Windows 8?


With other versions of Windows, I was able set up different user(s) accounts. I would like to have 'Guests' use a different log in account and not have access to my private and confidential passwords and files.

I tried to set up a different user account, using the 'Help' in Win 8 but it does not show up at the log in page. The only account visible is mine and when I go into the PC settings, there is an account listed as 'Guest'. I am completely baffled and frustrated at this point. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

✍: Guest


Let's try the following troubleshooting steps and check if they help you to create a guest user account.

a. Press Windows Key(Start screen will popup), type user account, click settings

b. Click user accounts, click Manage another account

c. Click Guest, click Turn ON

d. Sign Out from the current user, login using Guest user.

Also refer to this link:

2015-10-01, 1953🔥, 0💬