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Recommendations on Startup Programs on Windows 8
Can I get recommendations on startup programs for my Windows 8 system?
Here is a list of commonly seen startup programs on Windows 8 system with recommendations whether to keep, disable to delete them:
Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager - AdobeARM - disable it Alps Pointing-device Driver - Apoint.exe - keep it Btmshell - - keep it CyberLink MediaLibrary Service - CLMLSvc_p2B8.exe - disable it CyberLink Virtual Drive - VirtualDrive.exe - disable it Delayed launcher - IAStoriconLaunch.exe - keep it hkcmd Module - hkcmd.exe - keep it IDT PC Audio - sttray.exe - disable it igfxTray Module - igfstreay.exe - keep it Java(TM) Update Scheduler - jusched.exe - disable it McAfee Security Scanner Scheduler - SSScheduler.exe - disable it Microsoft Windows Based Script Host - wscript.exe - disable it Microsoft Office XP component - OSA.EXE - disable it persistence Module - igfxpers.exe - keep it PowerDVD RC Service - PDVD10Serv.exe - disable it QuickSet - quickset.exe - keep it quickstart.exe - disable it Skype - Skype.exe - disable it
⇒ Delete or Disable Scheduled Tasks on Windows 8
⇐ Security Impact of Startup Programs on Windows 8
2020-12-15, 1627🔥, 0💬
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