"Microsoft .NET Framework Cumulative Intellisense Pack for Visual Studio (ENU)" Installed Program on Windows 7


What is the installed program "Microsoft .NET Framework Cumulative Intellisense Pack for Visual Studio (ENU)" on my Windows 7 computer? Why it is not visible in Control Panel?

✍: FYIcenter.com


"Microsoft .NET Framework Cumulative Intellisense Pack for Visual Studio (ENU)" is an installed program on Windows 7 system managed by Windows Installer.

You will not see "Microsoft .NET Framework Cumulative Intellisense Pack for Visual Studio (ENU)" listed on "uninstall or change a program" in Control Panel, because it is flagged as a hidden system component in the registry (SystemComponent=1).

Information related to "Microsoft .NET Framework Cumulative Intellisense Pack for Visual Studio (ENU)" installed program:

Name: Microsoft .NET Framework Cumulative Intellisense Pack for Visual Studio (ENU)
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Size: 70996 KB
Version: 4.6.01604
System Component: Yes
Identifying Number: {7B8D7488-5CB3-4AD3-B03E-A1C081F4D0BD}
Install Location: 
Install Source: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.Net.Cumulative.TargetingPack.Resources,version=4.6.1604,language=en-US\
Install Date: 20170801
Local Package: C:\windows\Installer\5162e1e.msi
Package Name: netfx_mtpacklp.msi
Uninstall Command: MsiExec.exe /X{7B8D7488-5CB3-4AD3-B03E-A1C081F4D0BD}
Windows Installer: Yes

It is recommended to keep "Microsoft .NET Framework Cumulative Intellisense Pack for Visual Studio (ENU)" as an installed program.

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Hidden Installed Programs using Windows Installer on Windows 7

⇑⇑ Windows 7 Installed Programs

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