How can I get my Titans Chess game to work in Windows 8


How can I get my games to work in Windows 8 none of them are showing up in they worked great in Windows 7

✍: Guest

Microsoft has removed those games from Windows 8 by design. But these can be downloaded and installed from here: Scroll down to link, you will also need an App to unzip the file. You can download one from App store. I use Unpacker and it is free. They install flawlessly and run the same as on Win 7. Hope this helps and if you have any other issues or questions post and we will be glad to help you solve them This game may not be available from Microsoft in Windows 8, but is available from a third party at the above posted site, The game downloads and installs flawlessly and is the exact game from Windows 7. Hope this helps and if you need any further assistance post and I will be glad to help you.

2014-07-24, 2299🔥, 0💬