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Jooble Partnership
Hi! My name is Alexander. I represent Jooble in United States - one of the biggest job sites in the world. We have more than 3 million visitors worldwide daily. Our visitors looking for different information on our website. We would be happy to promote your website for our users. This is a non-comme...
2021-04-30, 959🔥, 0💬

Creating a Standard Columnar Form
I have created a table in MS Access. How do I create a form to help enter data into the table? Assuming you have a table in MS Access called Account with these columns: id - AutoNumber: The primary key giving of each account. client_id - Number: A foreign key pointing to the Client table. bank_id - ...
2017-10-02, 32743🔥, 1💬

💬 2017-10-02 Rahul: GOoooOoooooooooOoooooooooooooooooood

Using Microsoft Office Word 2007 - 26 Tutorials
A collection of 26 tutorials on Microsoft Office Word 2007 covering: How to convert word documents created with older versions to Office Word 2007; What is the main XML file in a .docx ZIP file; How to add a password to stop other people opening my Word document; How to convert a Word document into ...
2016-11-01, 6544🔥, 0💬

Installing and Using Mozilla FireFox 2 - 18 Tutorials
A collection of 18 tutorials on Mozilla FireFox 2 covering: How to download and install Mozilla FireFox 2; How to manage cookies; How to manage download files; How to block popup ads; How to install FireFox add-ons; How to edit configuration file; etc. A collection of 18 tutorials on Web browser Moz...
2016-07-21, 82781🔥, 10💬

💬 2016-07-21 Inna: good tutorial, helps me a lot.

💬 2009-02-25 NEALSESUEVE: Coool site, greate design!

💬 2009-01-24 FYIcenter.com: Hi Albert, We will do our best. Thanks for the comment.

(More comments ...)

Installing and Running Apache Server and PHP Script Pages - 14 Tutorials
A collection of 14 tutorials on Apache and PHP installation and configuration covering: How to download and install Apache 2.x and PHP 5; How to start Apache server; How to publish HTML documents; How to set PATH variable for PHP; How to create php.ini; How to configure Apache to use PHP as CGI; etc...
2016-06-29, 123834🔥, 6💬

💬 2008-12-10 FYIcenter.com: @brokato, as soon as you start Apache server, other computer will be able to browse your website automatically. No special confi...

💬 2008-12-09 brokato: hi how could I configure my apache server for my website to be able to be browse by other computers that has internet connection...

💬 2008-10-03 FYIcenter.com: @Shane, we are glad that this was helpful to you!

(More comments ...)

bluetooth for LG840G cell phone to windows 7
i cant find anyplace to see my phone on the computer. Did you try to follow those tutorials: Bluetooth Radio Connection between Windows XP and Cell Phone - 37 Tutorials ?
2015-07-29, 3259🔥, 0💬

Creating Relationships among Tables
In my MS Access 2000 database, I have 4 tables: Bank, Client, Account, and Transaction. How to build relationships among those tables? This tutorial shows you how to create 3 relationships: Bank.id = Account.bank_id – Linking an account to a Bank record. Client.id = Account.client_id – Linking an ac...
2014-12-31, 11855🔥, 1💬

💬 2014-12-31 mac: didn't really explain the relationship reasoning at all. I'm not sure there is an easy answer by the way, took me years to truly...

I am using windows 8. my pc is unable to sign in standard user and also it is unable to connect some windows service...... Method 1: Try to perform a system file checker (SFC) scan. System File Checker Tool will try to help you in fixing all the corrupted files and folders in the computer. a. Type â...
2014-12-15, 3222🔥, 0💬

Boosting Performance by Disabling Unnecessary Services on Windows XP Pro Systems - Part II
Summary of suggested services settings for Windows XP Pro SP1 system - Part II Continue from Part I . Service Name Startup Type Usage Note IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service Disabled Used to support Windows built-in CD burning function. Indexing Service Disabled Used to index and share files over local ne...
2013-05-20, 19831🔥, 2💬

💬 2013-05-20 DuckDive: you can also greatly enhance performance by downloading a free program that Radeon offers for free. Google their Radeon RamDisk ...

💬 2013-02-04 Carlos: i am a developer mslyef, and i find java a bit cubersome. the only thing i like about it is that it can run on any device with t...

Generating a Standard Report
I have a table with many record in a MS Access table. How do I create a report to list all records in the table? Assuming that you have a table called Transaction in MS Access 2000 with these fields: id - AutoNumber: The primary key giving an unique ID for each transaction. trans_date – Date/Time: T...
2010-04-10, 10476🔥, 0💬

Getting #Name? In a Form Field
Why am I getting “#Name?” in a form field? If you open a form and see “#Name?” in a form field, it means that the Control Source of this field is linked to a non-existing column on the underlying table. The main reason is that you probably modified the underlying table structure by renaming or dele...
2010-04-10, 8219🔥, 0💬

Creating a Standard Tabular Form
Using Columnar as the layout for a form as shown in the previous tutorial is good to enter new records or editing existing records. But the columnar layout only shows one record at a time. It is not convenient for browsing records or comparing records. So how to create a form to edit multiple rows a...
2010-04-10, 23202🔥, 0💬

Using Combo Box with Table Rows in Form
I have a field in a MS Access form that is a foreign key pointing to another table. Can I use a combo box for this field? Yes. You can. This tutorial shows you how to add a combo box with rows from a reference table and bind it to a column in the supporting table in MS Access 2000. Another problem i...
2010-04-10, 14014🔥, 0💬

Using Combo Box with a Value List in Form
I have a field in a MS Access form that takes only two possible values. Can I use a combo box for this field? Yes. You can. This tutorial shows you how to add a combo box with a value list and bind it to a column in the supporting table in MS Access 2000. In the standard Account Form created by the ...
2010-04-10, 10265🔥, 0💬

Using Multiple Selections in Form Design
In MS Access form design, can I select multiple fields and modify their properties simultaneously? Yes. You can. This tutorial shows you how to use multiple selection in Form Design to modify the Text Align property of all field labels in MS Access 2000. Usually, the standard form created by the for...
2010-04-10, 14721🔥, 0💬

XP Pro / SP3
I'm seeing lots of information re: End Process, re-configuring, removing, disableing, start-up apps all for improved performance and stability on the XP_Pro SP1/SP2 platforms, but not for sp3. Do the methods for sp1/sp3 work on XP_Pro w/SP3. And if not are the tutorials going to catch up soon? Since...
2010-02-17, 9648🔥, 0💬

Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 - 41 Tutorials
A collection of 41 tutorials on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 covering: How to convert slide files created with older versions to Office PowerPoint 2007; How to unzip a PowerPoint 2007 .pptx file; How to add a new slide master; How to create a new PowerPoint Template; How to add slide transition ...
2009-11-28, 8431🔥, 0💬

Background Process List - Commonly Used Background Processes on Windows Systems - Part II
What are the commonly used background processes on Windows systems? - Part II Continue from Part I . Process Name Suggestion Company Usage naPrdMgr.exe Keep Networks Associates product manager to support VirusScan NicConfigSvc.exe Keep Intel Internal Network Card Power Management Service PRONoMgr.ex...
2009-11-28, 17297🔥, 2💬

💬 2009-11-28 FYIcenter.com: We are still working on compiling a list of background process list for Vista.

💬 2009-11-28 michelle: How do i go about removing some of the background process list for Vista?

How do I reinstall commands file, edit, help favorites on my toolbar? The question is not that clear. Please provide more details in the question.
2009-04-10, 5946🔥, 0💬

Background Process List - Commonly Used Background Processes on Windows Systems
What are the commonly used background processes on Windows systems? A background process is a program that is running on the system without any user interface. Since most background processes are running invisiblly and quietly on your system, you need to use Task Manager to view them. Some backgroun...
2007-05-15, 31718🔥, 0💬

Boosting Performance by Disabling Unnecessary Services on Windows XP Pro SP2 Systems - Part III
Summary of suggested services settings for Windows XP Pro SP2 system - Part III Continue from Part II . Service Name Startup Type Usage Note Secondary Logon Disabled Used to run programs under other user's credentials. Security Accounts Manager Automatic Used to store security information. Security ...
2007-05-12, 11297🔥, 0💬

Boosting Performance by Disabling Unnecessary Services on Windows XP Pro SP2 Systems - Part II
Summary of suggested services settings for Windows XP Pro SP2 system - Part II Continue from Part I . Service Name Startup Type Usage Note IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service Disabled Used to support Windows built-in CD burning function. Indexing Service Disabled Used to index and share files over local ne...
2007-05-12, 10552🔥, 0💬

Boosting Performance by Disabling Unnecessary Services on Windows XP Pro SP2 Systems
This tutorial shows you how to boost performance by stopping and disabling unnecessary services on Windows XP Professional systems with Service Pack 2. In the end, 52 services could be disabled; 15 services could be defined to run in "Manual" mode; only 20 services need to be defined to run in "Auto...
2007-05-12, 14734🔥, 0💬

HelpSvc.exe - Related Performance Issues
Understanding HelpSvc.exe, "Microsoft Help Center Service" - part of the "Help and Support Center" application, and related performance problem. Many users have reported the severe performance problem caused by HelpSvc.exe. This tutorial helps you understand what is HelpSvc.exe, what is the problem,...
2007-04-15, 13400🔥, 0💬

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