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"isoinfo -l" - List of Files and Their Locations
"isoinfo -l" - List of Files and Their Locations One interesting usage of "isoinfo" is to list all files on the CD and their locations on the CD. Here is what did on test the "isoinfo -l" command C:\>\local\cdrtools\isoinfo dev=0,0,0 -l | more Directory listing of / d--------- 0 0 0 2048 0 1900 [ 19...
2017-02-09, 7876🔥, 2💬

💬 2017-01-12 FYIcenter.com: @Anonymous, the format of the output is fixed. You need to use other tools like Perl scripts to process the output.

💬 2017-01-10 Anonymous: Is there a way to list one line per file (with path joined to the filename). Processing the result is quite tedious. Objective: ...

Move your library for Windows Media Player to a new computer
How do I move my library to a new computer? You must perform multiple steps before and after moving your digital media files, depending upon the file types that you have. Before you begin the process, see the following questions. If You See This Purchased any of the files displayed in your library f...
2016-08-23, 42752🔥, 4💬

💬 2016-08-23 FYIcenter.com: Hi Wendy, are you not able to finish transferring your files?

💬 2016-08-18 Wendy: Good, but I need the rest of the instructions

💬 2015-07-07 FYIcenter.com: It's completed now.

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how do I put my music from dvd disc into windows media player
I had to back up some files and put them on DVD disc and needs to put them on my new computer, how do I transfer the music including mp3 music from the DVD disc to my windows media player. I have added some to music folder but they don't show up in my Windows Media Player Library If the music was st...
2016-07-10, 11850🔥, 1💬

💬 2009-02-03 Mark: If the music was stored on the DVD directly in MP3 format, you can just copy it back to the hard disk in the My Music folder. Yo...

.VOB - File Extension Used for DVD-Video Object Files
What is the file extension .VOB (DVD-Video Object or Versioned Object Base)? .VOB is the file extension used for DVD-Video Object Files. A VOB file contains the stream data for a movie formatted as multiplexed video stream, audio streams, and subtitle streams. The format of a VOB file is MPEG-2 (Mov...
2016-06-29, 45746🔥, 4💬

💬 2010-07-22 FYIcenter.com: Hi Joesph, How did you copy the disc to your computer? And what application do you use to play back the copied files?

💬 2010-07-19 Joesph: I can copy a sony dvd video disc on to my compuer, but cant open the file to play back the copy from the hard drive, can any one...

💬 2008-03-22 FYIcenter.com: @mr.sjom, you can go to http://www.cyberlink.com/products/po werdvd/overview_en_US.htmlto buy a copy of PowerDVD.

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Linking Music Folder to Windows Media Player 12
How to link more music folders to the Music Player Library in Windows Media Player 12? I have some music folders in my external drive. By dedault, Windows Media Player 12 only links only 1 folder in the Music Player Library, the music home folder, "C:\Users\yourid\Music" on a Windows 7 computer. If ...
2014-05-22, 4116🔥, 0💬

Difference between Player Library and Windows Library
What's the difference between a Player Library and Windows Library? I am very confused. Player Library and Windows Library are very different but also related. Player Library: Created and managed by Windows Media Player 12. Contains links to media, like music and movie, folders. Has 5 Player Librari...
2014-05-22, 6809🔥, 0💬

Windows Media Player Cannot Find the File
Why am I getting this "Windows Media Player cannot file the file" error? If you are trying to play a music or movie from the library with Windows Media Player 12, but the music or movie file was deleted, you will get the following error: "Windows Media Player cannot find the file. The link from the ...
2014-05-22, 4357🔥, 0💬

Windows Media Player 12 Libraries
What are Windows Media Player 12 libraries? Windows Media Player 12 organize your media files as Player Libraries. Each Player Library is a container that holds links to media files in your file storage drives. It also holds playlists created by youself. Windows Media Player 12 comes with 5 Player L...
2014-05-09, 6679🔥, 0💬

File Formats Supported by Windows Media Player 12
What File Formats Are Supported by Windows Media Player 12? Windows Media Player 12 supports the following formats of audio and video files: Audio for Windows (.wav) Audio Interchange File Format (.aif, .aifc, .aiff) Audio Visual Interleave (.avi) CD Audio Track (.cda) Indeo Video Technology (.ivf) ...
2014-05-09, 6635🔥, 0💬

Music Libary in Windows Media Player 12
What is "Music" Player Library for Windows Media Player 12? How music items are organized in the "Music" Player Library? The music library is a collection of music and other audio files. Windows Media Player 12 on Windows 7 builds the Music Player Library by collecting all music files from your musi...
2014-05-09, 3559🔥, 0💬

What Is Windows Media Player
What Is Windows Media Player? What is the current version of Windows Media Player? Windows Media Player is media (image, audio and video) player developed mainly for Windows systems. Windows Media Player can be used to: Play music and other audio files. Play movie and other video files. Manage media...
2014-05-05, 7404🔥, 0💬

Windows Media Player 12 Program File
Where Is the Windows Media Player 12 program file located on Windows 7? What is the program file size and other properties? The Windows Media Player 12 program file is located in the "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player" folder on Windows 7. It has the following properties: Name: wmplayer.exe Loca...
2014-05-05, 3428🔥, 0💬

Copy music library from one laptop to another
I am a DJ and Dance Studio owner. I have over 30,000 songs on 4 external drives on 4 different laptops. All running windows 7 with windows media player version 12. 1 of the laptops and 1 external drive is the master. All songs initially loaded on the master drive and laptop. I make all changes to th...
2014-04-28, 3407🔥, 0💬

Moving Music Player Library to Another Computer
Can I move my Music Player Library from my old computer to my new computer? I have a lots of music folders linked to the Music Player Library. No. You can not move or copy the Music Player Library from one computer to another computer. Here is the explanation from Microsoft: "The Player Library is a...
2014-04-26, 8002🔥, 0💬

Creating Music Playlist in Windows Media Player 12
How to create a new playlist in Windows Media Player 12? I want to have two playlists, one for replax music and one for workout music. Creating a new playlist in Windows Media Player 12 is really easy: 1. Run Windows Media Player 12. 2. Click "File > Create playlist" menu. Then enter a name for the ...
2014-04-26, 6628🔥, 0💬

What Is a Media Playlist?
What is a music playlist? I heard it's an XML file. A music playlist is a list of music items you put together so that you easily find them to play again later. A music playlist is like a Web site bookmark list. Music playlists are linked to the Music Player Library in Windows Media Player 12. Windo...
2014-04-26, 3218🔥, 0💬

Downloading and Installing mpgtx
How to download and install mpgtx? I heard that it's a nice tool to manage audio and video files. "mpgtx" is a command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox, that slices and joins audio and video files, including MPEG1, MPEG2 and MP3. Here is what I did to download and install it: 1. Go to http:...
2014-04-25, 8608🔥, 0💬

.MP3 File Name Extension - MP3 Files
.MP3 File Name Extension - MP3 Files .mp3 is the file name extension for audio files - music and songs in MP3 format. Audio files using MP3 format store audio information encoding with MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) encoding algorithm, which was invented by a team of European engineers at Philips, CCETT...
2013-05-17, 7060🔥, 1💬

💬 2013-05-17 TehctecMut: Excuse for that I interfere … I understand this question. I invite to discussion. :)

burn or record MP3 music files as audio tacks to audio CD (Compact Disk Digital Audio or CD-DA) with Windows Media Player
How to burn or record MP3 music files as audio tacks to audio CD (Compact Disk Digital Audio or CD-DA) with Windows Media Player? 1. Start Windows Media Player. 2. Click the Burn tab. You may get a blank burn list. 3. Use the drop down list above the burn list window to select the MP3 must album you...
2013-02-04, 15928🔥, 1💬

💬 2013-02-04 Gabrielli: Solid post, nice work. It Couldnt be written any imorvped. Reading this article post jogs my memory of my previous boss! He alwa...

.IFO - File Extension Used for DVD-Video Information Files
What is the file extension .IFO on a DVD-Video disc? .IFO is the file extension used on a DVD-Video information file. An IFO file on a DVD-Video disc serves as an index file to provide information about other files. An IFO file is also called DVD navigation file. An IFO file is always stored togethe...
2009-07-28, 35184🔥, 2💬

💬 2009-07-28 Mtindasi: good

💬 2009-04-14 mahejibin@gmail.com: how to get these IFO,VOB and BUp files when copying contents od Cd that contains only .DAT file extension

.MPG File Name Extension - MPEG Files
.MPG File Name Extension - MPEG Files mpg is the file name extension for files that stores audio and video data together using the MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) formats developed by ISO/IEC. There are several MPEG formats available today: * MPEG-1: Initial video and audio compression standard....
2008-03-04, 11812🔥, 0💬

.AVI File Name Extension - Audio Video Interleave Files
.AVI File Name Extension - Audio Video Interleave Files avi is the file name extension for files that stores audio and video data together using the AVI (Audio Video Interleave) format, which was developed in 1992 by Microsoft. An AVI file actually stores audio and video data under the RIFF (Resourc...
2008-03-04, 8477🔥, 0💬

.VOB File Name Extension - DVD Video Object Files
.VOB File Name Extension - DVD Video Object Files .vob is the file name extension for DVD-Video Object files. A VOB file contains the stream data for a movie formatted as multiplexed video stream, audio streams, and subtitle streams. The format of a VOB file is MPEG-2 (Moving Picture Experts Group) ...
2008-02-26, 14230🔥, 0💬

.IFO File Name Extension - DVD Infomation Files
.IFO File Name Extension - DVD Infomation Files .IFO is the file name extension for DVD-Video information files. An IFO file on a DVD-Video disc serves as an index file to provide information about other files. An IFO file is also called DVD navigation file. An IFO file is always stored together wit...
2008-02-26, 9965🔥, 0💬

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