Windows Server 2008 Tutorials


Where to find tutorials on using Windows Server 2008? I want to learn how to use Windows Server 2008 more efficiently.



Here is a collection of tutorials on Windows Server 2008 compiled by team. Topics include understanding the operating system; available commands and tools; how to perform basic tasks.

Introduction of Windows Server 2008

What Is Windows Server 2008?

What's New in Windows Server 2008?

System Requirements for Windows Server 2008

System Information on Windows Server 2008

View System Properties on Windows Server 2008

Windows Version and Build of Windows Server 2008

Check 64-bit Version of Windows Server 2008

Check Virtual Machine Model of Windows Server 2008

Check Number of CPUs on Windows Server 2008

Detailed System Information of Windows Server 2008

Installed Programs on Windows Server 2008

Running Processes on Windows Server 2008

List of Logged in Users on Windows Server 2008

Processes for Remote Session on Windows Server 2008

Scheduled Tasks on Windows Server 2008

Running Scheduled Tasks on Windows Server 2008

Managing Windows Server 2008 Updates

What Is Windows Update on Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008 Update - Check for Updates

Windows Server 2008 Update - Change Settings

Windows Server 2008 Update - View Update History

Windows Server 2008 Update - Uninstall Installed Updates

List of Services on Windows Server 2008

Application Experience (AeLookupSvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

Application Host Helper Service (AppHostSvc) on Windows Server 2008

Application Identity (AppIDSvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

Application Information (Appinfo) Service on Windows Server 2008

Application Layer Gateway Service (ALG) Service on Windows Server 2008

Application Management (AppMgmt) Service on Windows Server 2008

ASP.NET State Service (aspnet_state) Service on Windows Server 2008

Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Service on Windows Server 2008

Base Filtering Engine (BFE) Service on Windows Server 2008

Certificate Propagation (CertPropSvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

CNG Key Isolation (KeyIso) Service on Windows Server 2008

COM+ Event System (EventSystem) Service on Windows Server 2008

COM+ System Application (COMSysApp) Service on Windows Server 2008

Computer Browser (Browser) Service on Windows Server 2008

ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent (smstsmgr) Service on Windows Server 2008

Configuration Manager Remote Control (CmRcService) Service on Windows Server 2008

Credential Manager (VaultSvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

Cryptographic Services (CryptSvc) on Windows Server 2008

DCOM Server Process Launcher (DcomLaunch) Service on Windows Server 2008

Desktop Window Manager Session Manager (UxSms) Service on Windows Server 2008

DHCP Client (DHCP) Service on Windows Server 2008

Diagnostic Policy Service (DPS) on Windows Server 2008

Diagnostic System Host (WdiSystemHost) Service on Windows Server 2008

Diagnostics Tracking Service (DiagTrack) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Disk Defragmenter - defragsvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Distributed Link Tracking Client (TrkWks) Service on Windows Server 2008

Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) Service on Windows Server 2008

DNS Client (Dnscache) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Encrypting File System (EFS) - efssvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Extensible Authentication Protocol - eapsvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Function Discovery Provider Host - fdphost.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Function Discovery Resource Publication - FDResPub.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Group Policy Client (gpsvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Health Key and Certificate Management - kmsvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Human Interface Device Access - hidserv.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Hyper-V Data Exchange Service (vmickvpexchange) on Windows Server 2008

Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service (vmicshutdown) on Windows Server 2008

Hyper-V Heartbeat Service (vmicheartbeat) on Windows Server 2008

Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service (vmictimesync) on Windows Server 2008

Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor (vmicvss) on Windows Server 2008

IIS Admin Service (IISADMIN) Service on Windows Server 2008

"IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules - IKEEXT.DLL" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Interactive Services Detection - UI0Detect.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) - ipnathlp.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Internet Explorer ETW Collector Service (IEEtwCollectorService) Service on Windows Server 2008

IP Helper (iphlpsvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

IPsec Policy Agent (PolicyAgent) Service on Windows Server 2008

"KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator - msdtckrm.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper - lltdsvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X64 - mscorsvw.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X64 - mscorsvw.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X86 - mscorsvw.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X86 - mscorsvw.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

Microsoft Antimalware Service (MsMpSvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

Microsoft Fibre Channel Platform Registration Service (FCRegSvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service - iscsiexe.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Microsoft Network Inspection - NisSrv.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Microsoft Policy Platform Local Authority - policyHost.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Microsoft Policy Platform Processor - policyHost.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider (swprv) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Multimedia Class Scheduler - MMCSS.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Net.Msmq Listener Adapter - SMSvcHost.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Net.Pipe Listener Adapter - SMSvcHost.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Net.Tcp Listener Adapter - SMSvcHost.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service - SMSvcHost.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

Netlogon Service on Windows Server 2008

"Network Access Protection Agent - qagentrt.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Network Connections (Netman) Service on Windows Server 2008

Network List Service (netprofm) Service on Windows Server 2008

Network Location Awareness (NlaSvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

Network Store Interface Service (nsi) on Windows Server 2008

NSClient++ (x64) (nscp) Service on Windows Server 2008

Performance Counter DLL Host (PerfHost) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Performance Logs & Alerts - pla.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"PnP-X IP Bus Enumerator - IPBusEnum.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Portable Device Enumerator Service - WPDBusEnum.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Plug and Play (PlugPlay) Service on Windows Server 2008

Power Service on Windows Server 2008

Print Spooler (Spooler) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support - wercplsupport.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Protected Storage - psbase.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Remote Access Auto Connection Manager - RasAuto.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Remote Access Connection Manager - RasMan.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Remote Desktop Configuration (SessionEnv) Service on Windows Server 2008

Remote Desktop Services (TermService) Service on Windows Server 2008

Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector (UmRdpService) on Windows Server 2008

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) (RpcSs) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator - locator.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Remote Registry - regsvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Resultant Set of Policy Provider (RSoPProv) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Routing and Remote Access - mprdim.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

RPC Endpoint Mapper (RpcEptMapper) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Secondary Logon - seclogon.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service - SstpSvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Security Accounts Manager (SamSs) Service on Windows Server 2008

Server (LanmanServer) Service on Windows Server 2008

Shell Hardware Detection (ShellHWDetection) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Smart Card - shsvcs.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Smart Card Removal Policy - certprop.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"SNMP Trap - snmptrap.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

SMS Agent Host (CcmExec) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Software Protection - sppsvc.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"SPP Notification Service - sppuinotify.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"SSDP Discovery - SSDPSRV.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

System Event Notification Service (SENS) Service on Windows Server 2008

Task Scheduler (Schedule) Service on Windows Server 2008

TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (lmhosts) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Telephony - TapiSrv.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Thread Ordering Server - mmcss.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"UPnP Device Host - upnphost.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

User Profile Service (ProfSvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Virtual Disk - vds.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows Audio - Audiosrv.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows Audio Endpoint Builder - Audiosrv.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows CardSpace - infocard.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows Color System - WcsPlugInService.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework - wudfsvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows Error Reporting Service - WerSvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

Windows Event Collector (Wecsvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

Windows Event Log (EventLog) Service on Windows Server 2008

Windows Firewall (MpsSvc) Service on Windows Server 2008

Windows Font Cache Service (FontCache) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows Installer - msiexec.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

Windows Management Instrumentation (Winmgmt) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows Modules Installer - TrustedInstaller.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache - PresentationFontCache.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) Service on Windows Server 2008

Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) (WinRM) Service on Windows Server 2008

Windows Time (W32Time) Service on Windows Server 2008

"Windows Update - wuaueng.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service (WinHttpAutoProxySvc) on Windows Server 2008

"Wired AutoConfig - dot3svc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008

"WMI Performance Adapter - WmiApSrv.exe" Service on Windows Server 2008

Workstation (LanmanWorkstation) Service on Windows Server 2008

World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) Service on Windows Server 2008

Executable Programs on Windows Server 2008

svchost.exe Executable Program on Windows Server 2008

lsass.exe Executable Program on Windows Server 2008

dllhost.exe Executable Program on Windows Server 2008

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