ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent (smstsmgr) Service on Windows Server 2008


What is the "ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent (smstsmgr)" system service on Windows Server 2008? Can I disable "ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent"?



"ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent (smstsmgr)" is a Windows Server 2008 service that is the ConfigMgr client agent for task sequence execution.

Detailed information on "ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent" service:

Service name: smstsmgr
Display name: ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent
Execution command: 
   C:\Windows\CCM\TSManager.exe /service

Disabling "ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent" service should not cause any issues on running Windows 2008 Server.


List of Services on Windows Server 2008

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