Windows 8 Services Tutorials


Where to find information about what services are running on Windows 8 and how to manage them? I want to know everything about Windows 8 services.



Here is a collection of tutorials about Windows 8 services compiled by team. Topics include understanding services; start, stop, and disable services; create and remove services; registry settings for services; system services; etc.

Introduction of Services on Windows 8

What Is a Service on Windows 8?

Categories of Services on Windows 8

Number of System Services on Windows 8

Services Console on Windows 8

What Is Services Console on Windows 8?

Start Services Console on Windows 8

View Service Details on Windows 8 Service Console

Start/Stop Services on Windows 8 Service Console

Service Startup Types on Windows 8 Service Console

Disable/Enable Services on Windows 8 Service Console

Service Dependencies on Windows 8 Service Console

Export List of Services on Windows 8 Services Console

"svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch" Services on Windows 8

"Background Tasks Infrastructure Service - bisrv.dll" on Windows 8

"DCOM Server Process Launcher - rpcss.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Device Install Service - umpnpmgr.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Local Session Manager - lsm.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Plug and Play - umpnpmgr.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Power - umpo.dll" Service on Windows 8

"svchost.exe -k LocalService" Services on Windows 8

"Bluetooth Support Service - bthserv.dll" Service on Windows 8

"COM+ Event System - es.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Diagnostic Service Host - wdi.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Diagnostic System Host - wdi.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Function Discovery Provider Host - fdphost.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper - lltdsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Network List Service - netprofm.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Network Store Interface Service - nsi.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Remote Registry - regsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service - SstpSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Thread Ordering Server - mmcss.dll" Service on Windows 8

"WebClient - webclnt.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Font Cache Service - FntCache.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Time - W32Time.dll" Service on Windows 8

"WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service - winhttp.dll" Service on Windows 8

"svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetwork" Services on Windows 8

"Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup - NcdAutoSetup.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Performance Logs and Alerts - pla.dll" Service on Windows 8

"WWAN AutoConfig - wwansvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Diagnostic Policy Service - dps.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Firewall - mpssvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Base Filtering Engine - bfe.dll" Service on Windows 8

"svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted" Services on Windows 8

"Application Identity - appidsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"HomeGroup Provider - provsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service - ICSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Family Safety - wpcsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Event Log - wevtsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper - lmhsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Connection Manager - wcmsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Security Center - wscsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"DHCP Client - dhcpcore.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Audio - Audiosrv.dll" Service on Windows 8

"svchost.exe -k NetworkService" Services on Windows 8

"Network Access Protection Agent - svchost.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Telephony - tapisrv.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Remote Desktop Services - termsrv.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Event Collector - wecsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) - WsmSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Cryptographic Services - cryptsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"DNS Client - dnsrslvr.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Workstation - wkssvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Network Location Awareness - nlasvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"svchost.exe -k netsvcs" Services on Windows 8

"BitLocker Drive Encryption Service - bdesvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Computer Browser - browser.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Certificate Propagation - certprop.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Device Setup Manager - DeviceSetupManager.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Extensible Authentication Protocol - eapsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Health Key and Certificate Management - svchost.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service - iscsiexe.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Network Connectivity Assistant - ncasvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Remote Access Auto Connection Manager - rasauto.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Remote Access Connection Manager - rasmans.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Routing and Remote Access - svchost.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Smart Card Removal Policy - certprop.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Remote Desktop Configuration - svchost.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) - ipnathlp.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support - wercplsupport.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant - wlidsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Update - wuaueng.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Application Experience - aelupsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"System Events Broker - SystemEventsBrokerServer.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Themes - themeservice.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Management Instrumentation - WMIsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Application Information - appinfo.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Background Intelligent Transfer Service - qmgr.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Group Policy Client - gpsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules - ikeext.dll" Service on Windows 8

"IP Helper - iphlpsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Server - srvsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Multimedia Class Scheduler - mmcss.dll" Service on Windows 8

"User Profile Service - profsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Task Scheduler - schedsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Secondary Logon - seclogon.dll" Service on Windows 8

"System Event Notification Service - sens.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Shell Hardware Detection - shsvcs.dll" Service on Windows 8

"svchost.exe -k LocalServiceAndNoImpersonation" Services on Windows 8

"Function Discovery Resource Publication - fdrespub.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Quality Windows Audio Video Experience - qwave.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Smart Card - SCardSvr.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Sensor Monitoring Service - sensrsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar - wcncsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Store Service (WSService) - WSService.dll" Service on Windows 8

"SSDP Discovery - ssdpsrv.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Time Broker - TimeBrokerServer.dll" Service on Windows 8

"UPnP Device Host - upnphost.dll" Service on Windows 8

"svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted" Services on Windows 8

"Windows All-User Install Agent - svchost.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Wired AutoConfig - dot3svc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"File History Service - fhsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"HomeGroup Listener - ListSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Storage Service - storsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service - TabSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector - umrdp.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Hyper-V Data Exchange Service - ICSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service - ICSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor - ICSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Still Image Acquisition Events - wiarpc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Spot Verifier - svsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Program Compatibility Assistant Service - pcasvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Superfetch - sysmain.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Distributed Link Tracking Client - trkwks.dll" Service on Windows 8

"WLAN AutoConfig - wlansvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Portable Device Enumerator Service - wpdbusenum.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework - WUDFSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Audio Endpoint Builder - AudioEndpointBuilder.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Device Association Service - das.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Human Interface Device Access - hidserv.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Network Connections - netman.dll" Service on Windows 8

"svchost.exe -k LocalServicePeerNet" Services on Windows 8

"Peer Networking Identity Manager - pnrpsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Peer Networking Grouping - p2psvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"PNRP Machine Name Publication Service - pnrpauto.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Peer Name Resolution Protocol - pnrpsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

Other "svchost.exe" Services on Windows 8

"Hyper-V Heartbeat Service - ICSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service - ICSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Printer Extensions and Notifications - PrintConfig.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Biometric Service - wbiosrvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Color System - WcsPlugInService.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Error Reporting Service - WerSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Backup - SDRSVC.dll" Service on Windows 8

"ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV) - AxInstSV.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Optimize drives - defragsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"COM+ System Application - dllhost.exe" Service on Windows 8

"KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator - msdtckrm.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider - swprv.dll" Service on Windows 8

"IPsec Policy Agent - ipsecsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - rpcss.dll" Service on Windows 8

"RPC Endpoint Mapper - RpcEpMap.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) - wiaservc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"lsass.exe" Services on Windows 8

"Netlogon - netlogon.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Credential Manager - vaultsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Encrypting File System (EFS) - efssvc.dll" Service on Windows 8

"Security Accounts Manager - lsass.exe" Service on Windows 8

What Is lsass.exe Program on Windows 8

Identify the lsass.exe Process on Windows 8

Other System Services on Windows 8

"WMI Performance Adapter - WmiApSrv.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Block Level Backup Engine Service - wbengine.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Volume Shadow Copy - vssvc.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Virtual Disk - vds.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Interactive Services Detection - UI0Detect.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Intel Turbo Boost Technology Monitor 2.6 - TurboBoost.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Wireless PAN DHCP Server - PanDhcpDns.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Installer - msiexec.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Intel Centrino Wireless Bluetooth + High Speed Service - " Service on Windows 8

"Intel Centrino Wireless Bluetooth + High Speed Security Service - BTHSSecurityMgr.exe" on Windows 8

"Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log - EvtEng.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Intel Rapid Storage Technology - IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe" Service on Windows 8

"IconMan_R - RIconMan.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Intel Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface Service - " Service on Windows 8

"CNG Key Isolation - lsass.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Intel Management and Security Application Local Management Service - " Service on Windows 8

"Intel PROSet/Wireless Registry Service - RegSrvc.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Cyberlink RichVideo Service(CRVS) - RichVideo.exe" Service on Windows 8

"SoftThinks Agent Service - SftService.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Audio Service - STacSV64.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Intel Management and Security Application User Notification Service - UNS.exe" on Windows 8

"Intel PROSet/Wireless Zero Configuration Service - ZeroConfigService.exe" on Windows 8

Application Services on Windows 8

"Adobe Flash Player Update Service - FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Application Layer Gateway Service - alg.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Intel Content Protection HECI Service - IntelCpHeciSvc.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Dell Digital Delivery Service - DeliveryService.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Fax - fxssvc.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache - PresentationFontCache.exe" Service on Windows 8

"McAfee Security Scan Component Host Service - McCHSvc.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Mozilla Maintenance Service - maintenanceservice.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Distributed Transaction Coordinator - msdtc.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service - SMSvcHost.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Performance Counter DLL Host - perfhost.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator - locator.exe" Service on Windows 8

"SNMP Trap - snmptrap.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Software Protection - sppsvc.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Adobe Acrobat Update Service - armsvc.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Defender Service - MsMpEng.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service - wmpnetwk.exe" Service on Windows 8

"Windows Search - SearchIndexer.exe" Service on Windows 8

"sc.exe" - Service Controller Command on Windows 8

What Is "sc.exe" Command on Windows 8?

Run "sc.exe" Service Controller Command on Windows 8?

Service Controller "sc query" Command on Windows 8

Dumping All Running Services on Windows 8

Service Controller "sc start/stop" Command on Windows 8

Service Controller "sc create" Command on Windows 8

Service Controller "sc delete" Command on Windows 8

Other Services Management Tips on Windows 8

View Services with "msconfig.exe" on Windows 8

Disable Services with "msconfig.exe" on Windows 8

View Services with Task Manager on Windows 8

Start/Stop Services with Task Manager on Windows 8

Registry Entries of System Services on Windows 8

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Introduction of Services on Windows 8

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