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Other "svchost.exe" Services on Windows 8
Where are services hosted by other "svchost.exe" processes on Windows 8?
There are many services hosted by svchost.exe as single-service process groups or 2-services process groups as listed below:
"Hyper-V Heartbeat Service - ICSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service - ICSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Printer Extensions and Notifications - PrintConfig.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Windows Biometric Service - wbiosrvc.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Windows Color System - WcsPlugInService.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Windows Error Reporting Service - WerSvc.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Windows Backup - SDRSVC.dll" Service on Windows 8
"ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV) - AxInstSV.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Optimize drives - defragsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8
"COM+ System Application - dllhost.exe" Service on Windows 8
"KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator - msdtckrm.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider - swprv.dll" Service on Windows 8
"IPsec Policy Agent - ipsecsvc.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - rpcss.dll" Service on Windows 8
"RPC Endpoint Mapper - RpcEpMap.dll" Service on Windows 8
"Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) - wiaservc.dll" Service on Windows 8
2016-12-19, 1860🔥, 0💬
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