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Access Object Properties in Windows PowerShell Scripts
How to access properties of ab object in Windows PowerShell scripts? I know the property name. If you know the property name of an object, you can access the property value using the "." operator in Windows PowerShell scripts. For example, if you run the following script: $dt = Get-Date $tod = $dt.T...
2023-12-27, 3296🔥, 2💬

💬 2023-12-17 FYIcenter.com: @Fred, You need to use System.Drawing API to those properties in a JPG file.

💬 2023-12-12 Fred V: Where can I find the files property names -as caption and title of a jpg... Thanks !

Hello.bat - First Batch File
How to write a batch file? I want to print "Hello world!" message on the screen. You can follow this tutorial to write your first batch file to print a message on the screen. 1. Open "Notepad" to create a file called, \fyicenter\Hello.bat, with the following commands: @echo off echo Hello world! 2. ...
2023-09-06, 59394🔥, 11💬

💬 2023-09-06 urMom: me not understand, when i run it it closete fast

💬 2023-06-04 Kaure Imannuel: @FYIcenter.com, your welcome I'm glad this helps!

💬 2023-05-31 Rupesh Thakare: Hello Team

(More comments ...)

Debugging Variables in Windows PowerShell ISE
How to display the values of variables while debugging in Windows PowerShell ISE? You can display the current values of variables in the script as you step through the code. To display the values of standard variables, you can use one of the following methods: In the Script Pane, hover over the vari...
2023-04-17, 10105🔥, 1💬

Converting PDF to JPG with ImageMagick
How to convert my PDF document into images with ImageMagick? Can I use the ImageMagick "convert" command to convert PDF files? Yes. You can use ImageMagick "convert" command to convert PDF files into images and store them in JPG or other image file formats. You can test it out in these steps: 1. Ass...
2023-01-22, 4909🔥, 2💬

Installing Yahoo! Messenger 8.1
How to install Yahoo! Messenger 8.1? If you want to install Yahoo Messenger on your system, you should follow this tutorial: 1. Go to Yahoo home page and click the Messenger button. The Yahoo! Messenger home page shows up. 2. Click "Download now" button in the "download the full version of Yahoo! Me...
2023-01-15, 10174🔥, 1💬

Manage Space in Command Option
How to manage space characters in the command option? If command option has space characters, you have to enclose the command option between a pair of double quotes. For example, if you want search for files named partially as "Bug Fix" on the hard disk, you can end this command: C:\>dir /b /...
2022-12-23, 2859🔥, 0💬

Running ImageMagick IMDisplay
How to use IMDisplay to display an image file? If have image file called wizard.jpg and want to use ImageMagick to display it, follow these steps: 1. Open a command line window. 2. Enter "imdisplay wizard.jpg". You will see IMDisplay opens up display the image in the wizard.jpg. Or you can run "IMDi...
2022-12-21, 12857🔥, 2💬

💬 2022-12-19 Dipshit Srikumar: So what's the purpose of this imdisplay thingie? Just to view images, nothing more?

Redirect STDIN Stream for Command to File
How to redirect STDIN stream from the keyboard to an existing file? I want the command to read data from a file. You can use the "<" redirect operator to redirect the STDIN stream from the keyboard to an existing file as shown below: command options < file-name For example, the "SORT" ...
2022-12-03, 2193🔥, 0💬

Run Second Command If the First Successful
How to run two commands with a condition that the second one will run only if the first one is successful? You can run two commands with a condition that the second one will run only if the first one is successful with the syntax below: command-1 && command-2 For example, if you want...
2022-12-03, 1842🔥, 0💬

Redirect STDOUT Stream for Command to File
How to redirect STDOUT stream from the screen to a file? I want the command to send output data to a file. By default, the STDOUT stream for a command is mapped the screen. If the command is writing data to the STDIN stream, you will see it on the screen. But, you can use the ">" redirect ope...
2022-12-03, 1841🔥, 0💬

Redirect STDOUT Stream to the End of File
How to redirect STDOUT stream from the screen to the end of a file? I want to append output from STDOUT stream to an existing file. When using the ">" redirection to an existing file, old content of the file will be replaced. You can keep the old content of the file by using the append redire...
2022-12-03, 1831🔥, 0💬

Default STDIN Stream for Command - Keyboard
What is the default STDIN stream for a command? Can I use the keyboard to enter data for the STDIN stream? By default, the STDIN stream for a command is mapped the keyboard. If the command is reading data from the STDIN stream, you can enter it from the keyboard. For example, the "SORT" command read...
2022-12-03, 1804🔥, 0💬

File Name with Relative Path or Absolute Path
Should I provide file name with Relative Path or Absolute Path? When provide a file name, you have choice of using relative path or absolute path: 1. If you provide a file name with an absolute path, the system will go to the directory of the given path to locate the file. Providing an absolute path...
2022-08-30, 2306🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-08-30 Jimmy: All this info, all in one place has been perfect, accurate, jargon free and it's enjoyable! Cheers - just wish I found you soone...

File Name with or without Drive Letter
Should I provide file name with or without drive letter? When provide a file name, you have choice of providing or not providing the drive letter: 1. If you provide a file name with the drive letter, the system will go to the given disk drive to locate the file. Providing the drive letter is a good ...
2022-08-26, 2032🔥, 0💬

What Is File Name
What is a file name on Windows system? A file name, also becoming one word now: filename, on a Windows system is a string that identifies a storage resource that you can retrieve data from it or store data in in. On Windows system, a file name contains multiple components listed below: Drive letter ...
2022-08-26, 1976🔥, 0💬

File Name and File Path
Where to find introduction information on File Name and File Path? Here is a collection of tutorials compiled by FYIcenter.com team to provide introduction information on File Name and File Path. What Is File Name File Name with or without Drive Letter File Name with Relative Path or Absolute Path F...
2022-08-26, 1887🔥, 0💬

"goto" - Change the Execution Flow
What is the "goto" batch command for? The "goto" command is for changing the execution flow in a batch file. Below is the "if" command syntax: goto label When the "goto" command is executed, the execution will jump to the line where "label" is defined and continue to execution the line after the "la...
2022-08-26, 1876🔥, 0💬

Run Second Command If the First Fails
How to run two commands with a condition that the second one will run only if the first one fails? You can run two commands with a condition that the second one will run only if the first one fails with the syntax below: command-1 || command-2 For example, if you want to write a message to the scree...
2022-08-26, 1559🔥, 0💬

Batch Parameter Modifiers
What Are Batch Parameter Modifiers? Batch parameter modifiers are special functions that you can apply to batch parameters to modify their values. Here is a list batch parameter modifiers presented in formats for the 1 parameter. But you can use them on any of %0, %1, %2, ..., %9. %~1 - expands %1 r...
2022-04-13, 4630🔥, 0💬

"shift" - Shift Batch Parameters
What is the "shift" batch command for? The "shift" command is for shift values of batch parameters downward by one position. Below is the "shift" command syntax: shift When the "shift" command is executed, values of batch parameters will be shift downward by one position. In other words, the value o...
2022-04-13, 2771🔥, 0💬

Working with Parameters and Variables
Where to find introduction information on Working with Parameters and Variables? Here is a collection of tutorials compiled by FYIcenter.com team to provide introduction information on Working with Parameters and Variables. What Are Batch Parameters Batch Parameter Modifiers Get Batch File Path Name...
2022-04-13, 2174🔥, 0💬

"for" - Loop on List of Files
What is the "for" batch command for? The "for" command is for running a given command for each item in a list of files, path names, or any values. Below is the "for" command syntax: for %%parameter in (list) do command When the "for" command is executed, the given command will be executed once for e...
2022-04-13, 1962🔥, 0💬

What Are Batch Parameters
What Are Batch Parameters? Batch parameters are parameters received from the command line where the batch file is invoked. There are total of 11 batch parameters supported a batch file using the "%n" format: %0 - The file name of this batch file. %1, %2, %3, ..., %9 - The first, second, third, ..., ...
2022-04-13, 1758🔥, 0💬

Get Batch Parameter as File Path
How to get path name components of a batch file parameter? A file name is passed as the parameter. If a batch parameter represents a file name, you can use batch parameter modifiers on %1, %2 or others, to get its file patch components. Here is a batch file, Batch-Parameter-Modifiers.bat, that dumps...
2022-03-06, 4847🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-03-06 Gg: Windows System and Application Information Center http://windows.fyicenter.com/ A large collection FAQs, tutorials and tips for ...

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