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Introduction of Windows PowerShell
Where to find introduction information of Windows PowerShell? I want to have a basic understanding of Windows PowerShell. Here is a collection of tutorials compiled by FYIcenter.com team to provide introduction information about Windows PowerShell. What Is Windows PowerShell Main Features of Windows...
2016-11-11, 2034🔥, 0💬

Install Help for Windows PowerShell
How to install help for Windows PowerShell? I am getting the "Get-Help cannot find the Help files for this cmdlet on this computer" error. By default, help files are not installed for Windows PowerShell. So if you run the help command, you will get the syntax-only help and the "Get-Help cannot find ...
2016-11-08, 3361🔥, 0💬

Types of Commands on Windows PowerShell
What types of commands I can run in Windows PowerShell? Can I still run the old DOS command "DIR"? Windows PowerShell allows you to run the following types of commands: 1. Cmdlets (or CommandLets) - A cmdlet is a lightweight command that is used in the Windows PowerShell environment. The Windows Pow...
2016-11-08, 2240🔥, 0💬

Introduction of Windows PowerShell Cmdlet
Where to find introduction information of Cmdlet used in Windows PowerShell? Here is a collection of tutorials compiled by FYIcenter.com team to provide introduction information about Windows PowerShell Cmdlet. What Is Windows PowerShell Cmdlet List of Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell "Get-Command -Com...
2016-11-08, 1982🔥, 0💬

Help Topics on Windows PowerShell
How to get help information on conceptual topics in Windows PowerShell? I want to understand the concept of environment variables. The Get-Help cmdlet also displays information about conceptual topics in Windows PowerShell, including topics about the Windows PowerShell language. Conceptual Help topi...
2016-11-08, 1943🔥, 0💬

Help Commands on Windows PowerShell
How many ways to use Help commands on Windows PowerShell? Windows PowerShell supports a number of ways to use the Help commands described below get-help Displays help information about the help system. get-help &lt;cmd&gt; Displays summary information about the given command, like "get-help ...
2016-11-08, 1918🔥, 0💬

List of Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell
Can I get a list of cmdlets supported in Windows PowerShell? Here is how you can get a list of cmdlets supported in Windows PowerShell on your computer: 1. Start Windows PowerShell. 2. Run the following help command to get a list of all PowerShell built-in cmdlets; PS C:\fyicenter&gt; get-help -...
2016-11-05, 2677🔥, 0💬

"Get-Command -CommandType cmdlet" on Windows PowerShell
What is the "Get-Command -CommandType cmdlet" command doing in Windows PowerShell? "Get-Command -CommandType cmdlet" will return a list of all cmdlets available on Windows PowerShell. You can also filter the output by limiting to only cmdlets from the PowerShell modules:. PS C:\fyicenter&gt; Get...
2016-11-05, 2620🔥, 0💬

What Is Windows PowerShell Cmdlet
What is Windows PowerShell Cmdlet? A cmdlet is a lightweight command that is used in the Windows PowerShell environment. The Windows PowerShell runtime invokes these cmdlets within the context of automation scripts that are provided at the command line. The Windows PowerShell runtime also invokes th...
2016-11-05, 1936🔥, 0💬

Use Cmdlet Pipeline in Windows PowerShell
How to use cmdlet pipeline in Windows PowerShell? You can use the pipeline operator "|" to combine multiple cmdlets into a sequence of executions. The pipeline operator will send the output from the previous cmdlet to the next cmdlet as the input. Here is the syntax of cmdlet pipeline: cmdlet-1 | cm...
2016-11-05, 1822🔥, 0💬

Cmdlet Output Object in Windows PowerShell
What is the output object of a cmdlet in Windows PowerShell? When PowerShell executes a cmdlet, it actually calls the .NET class that implements the cmdlet. When the cmdlet class finishes execution, it will return a data object to PowerShell. This allows PowerShell to: Pass the output object to the ...
2016-11-05, 1808🔥, 0💬

"Sort-Object" Cmdlet in Windows PowerShell
What is the "Sort-Object" cmdlet in Windows PowerShell? "Sort-Object" cmdlet in Windows PowerShell takes an input of object list and generate an output object list by sorting objects according to specified properties. For example, the following command uses the "sort-object" cmdlet to sort a Process...
2016-11-04, 3257🔥, 0💬

Cmdlet Output Object List in Windows PowerShell
What is the output object list of a cmdlet in Windows PowerShell? Many cmdlets do return a list of objects, not just a single object. If there is no more cmdlet in the cmdlet pipeline, the output object list will converted to a text table with properties of each object displayed as fields in a row. ...
2016-11-04, 1978🔥, 0💬

Cmdlet Pipeline Patterns in Windows PowerShell
Are there any usage patterns for cmdlet pipelines in Windows PowerShell? Yes, there are some usage patterns for cmdlet pipelines in Windows PowerShell. 1. Use cmdlets of the same noun in a single pipeline - This is to ensure that we are working on the same object type in the entire pipeline. For exa...
2016-11-04, 1780🔥, 0💬

Application Command in Pipeline in Windows PowerShell
Can I use application commands in cmdlet pipeline in Windows PowerShell? Yes, you can use application commands in cmdlet pipeline in Windows PowerShell. But you need to remember a couple of things: 1. The output of an application command will be considered as a String object, not a sequence of chara...
2016-11-04, 1698🔥, 0💬

Object Type Match in Pipeline in Windows PowerShell
What will happen if the output object type does not match the input object type in a cmdlet pipeline in Windows PowerShell? When you build a cmdlet pipeline, you have to make sure that object types are compatible in the pipeline operation. In other words, the output object type from the previous cmd...
2016-11-04, 1684🔥, 0💬

"Select-Object" Cmdlet in Windows PowerShell
What is the "Select-Object" cmdlet in Windows PowerShell? "Select-Object" cmdlet in Windows PowerShell takes an input of object list and generate an output object list by filtering out objects and/or modifying some object properties. Example 1: the following command uses "select-object" to take a su...
2016-11-03, 4786🔥, 0💬

"Where-Object" Cmdlet in Windows PowerShell
What is the "Where-Object" cmdlet in Windows PowerShell? "Where-Object" cmdlet in Windows PowerShell takes an input of object list and generate an output object list by filtering out objects with specific criteria. Example 1: the following command uses "where-object" to filter out objects with a con...
2016-11-03, 4192🔥, 0💬

Write Script File in Windows PowerShell
How to write a script file in Windows PowerShell to run multiple commands together? Writing a script file in Windows PowerShell is easy. You can follow these steps: 1. Open Notepad. 2. Write commands in Notepad with one command per line. For example: Write-Host "Hello World!" test-connection www.mic...
2016-11-03, 3141🔥, 0💬

"Get-Member" Cmdlet in Windows PowerShell
What is the "Get-Member" cmdlet in Windows PowerShell? "Get-Member" cmdlet in Windows PowerShell allows you to inspect the output object by displaying its class members, including properties and methods. For example: the following command uses "get-member" to display methods and properties supported...
2016-11-03, 1979🔥, 0💬

Introduction of Windows PowerShell Script
Where to find introduction information of Windows PowerShell script? Here is a collection of tutorials compiled by FYIcenter.com team to provide introduction information about Windows PowerShell script. Write Script File in Windows PowerShell Running Scripts Disabled in Windows PowerShell Add Commen...
2016-11-03, 1758🔥, 0💬

Add Comments in Windows PowerShell Scripts
How to add comments in Windows PowerShell scripts? There are two primary ways to add comments in Windows PowerShell scripts: 1. Using # in the middle of line - If you use the "#" sign in the middle of a line, everything starts from "#" to the end of line is considered as a comment. For example: Writ...
2016-11-02, 3045🔥, 0💬

Running Scripts Disabled in Windows PowerShell
Why am I getting the "running scripts is disabled on this system" error when I try to run a Windows PowerShell script? If your system is not configured to run Windows PowerShell script, you will get an error when you type in the script file name in Windows PowerShell command line. For example: PS C:...
2016-11-02, 2234🔥, 0💬

Invoke Object Methods in Windows PowerShell Scripts
How to invoke methods of an object in Windows PowerShell scripts? I know the method name in Windows PowerShell scripts. If you know the method name of an object, you can invoke and run the method using the "." operator. For example, if you run the following script: $today = Get-Date $tomorrow = $tod...
2016-11-02, 1860🔥, 0💬

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