List of Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell


Can I get a list of cmdlets supported in Windows PowerShell?



Here is how you can get a list of cmdlets supported in Windows PowerShell on your computer:

1. Start Windows PowerShell.

2. Run the following help command to get a list of all PowerShell built-in cmdlets;

PS C:\fyicenter> get-help -Category cmdlet PowerShell 

Name                              Synopsis                                         
----                              --------                                         
Get-Command                       Gets all commands.                               
Get-Module                        Gets the modules that have been imported or th...
Import-Module                     Adds modules to the current session.             
New-ModuleManifest                Creates a new module manifest.                   
Remove-Module                     Removes modules from the current session.        
Test-ModuleManifest               Verifies that a module manifest file accuratel...
Get-Help                          Displays information about Windows PowerShell ...
Update-Help                       Downloads and installs the newest help files o...
Save-Help                         Downloads and saves the newest help files to a...
Get-History                       Gets a list of the commands entered during the...
Invoke-History                    Runs commands from the session history.          
Add-History                       Appends entries to the session history.          
Register-PSSessionConfiguration   Creates and registers a new session configurat...
Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration Deletes registered session configurations from...
Get-PSSessionConfiguration        Gets the registered session configurations on ...
Set-PSSessionConfiguration        Changes the properties of a registered session...
Enable-PSSessionConfiguration     Enables the session configurations on the loca...
Disable-PSSessionConfiguration    Disables session configurations on the local c...
Enable-PSRemoting                 Configures the computer to receive remote comm...
Disable-PSRemoting                Prevents remote users from running commands on...
Invoke-Command                    Runs commands on local and remote computers.     
New-PSSession                     Creates a persistent connection to a local or ...
Disconnect-PSSession              Disconnects from a session.                      
Connect-PSSession                 Reconnects to disconnected sessions              
Receive-PSSession                 Gets results of commands in disconnected sessions
Get-PSSession                     Gets the Windows PowerShell sessions on local ...
Remove-PSSession                  Closes one or more Windows PowerShell sessions...
Start-Job                         Starts a Windows PowerShell background job.      
Get-Job                           Gets Windows PowerShell background jobs that a...
Receive-Job                       Gets the results of the Windows PowerShell bac...
Stop-Job                          Stops a Windows PowerShell background job.       
Wait-Job                          Suppresses the command prompt until one or all...
Remove-Job                        Deletes a Windows PowerShell background job.     
Suspend-Job                       Temporarily stops workflow jobs.                 
Resume-Job                        Restarts a suspended job                         
Enter-PSSession                   Starts an interactive session with a remote co...
Exit-PSSession                    Ends an interactive session with a remote comp...
New-PSSessionOption               Creates an object that contains advanced optio...
New-PSTransportOption             Creates an object that contains advanced optio...
New-PSSessionConfigurationFile    Creates a file that defines a session configur...
Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile   Verifies the keys and values in a session conf...
ForEach-Object                    Performs an operation against each item in a c...
Where-Object                      Selects objects from a collection based on the...
Set-StrictMode                    Establishes and enforces coding rules in expre...
Out-Null                          Deletes output instead of sending it down the ...
Out-Default                       Sends the output to the default formatter and ...
Out-Host                          Sends output to the command line.                
Add-PSSnapin                      Adds one or more Windows PowerShell snap-ins t...
Remove-PSSnapin                   Removes Windows PowerShell snap-ins from the c...
Get-PSSnapin                      Gets the Windows PowerShell snap-ins on the co...
Export-Console                    Exports the names of snap-ins in the current s...
Add-Computer                      Add the local computer to a domain or workgroup. 
Checkpoint-Computer               Creates a system restore point on the local co...
Clear-Content                     Deletes the contents of an item, but does not ...
Clear-EventLog                    Deletes all entries from specified event logs ...
Clear-Item                        Deletes the contents of an item, but does not ...
Complete-Transaction              Commits the active transaction.                  
Convert-Path                      Converts a path from a Windows PowerShell path...
Copy-Item                         Copies an item from one location to another.     
Debug-Process                     Debugs one or more processes running on the lo...
Disable-ComputerRestore           Disables the System Restore feature on the spe...
Enable-ComputerRestore            Enables the System Restore feature on the spec...
Get-ChildItem                     Gets the items and child items in one or more ...
Get-ComputerRestorePoint          Gets the restore points on the local computer.   
Get-Content                       Gets the content of the item at the specified ...
Get-ControlPanelItem              Gets control panel items.                        
Get-EventLog                      Gets the events in an event log, or a list of ...
Get-Item                          Gets the item at the specified location.         
Get-ItemProperty                  Gets the properties of a specified item.         
Get-Location                      Gets information about the current working loc...
Get-Process                       Gets the processes that are running on the loc...
Get-PSDrive                       Gets drives in the current session.              
Get-PSProvider                    Gets information about the specified Windows P...
Get-Service                       Gets the services on a local or remote computer. 
Get-Transaction                   Gets the current (active) transaction.           
Get-WmiObject                     Gets instances of Windows Management Instrumen...
Invoke-Item                       Performs the default action on the specified i...
Invoke-WmiMethod                  Calls Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)...
Join-Path                         Combines a path and a child path into a single...
Limit-EventLog                    Sets the event log properties that limit the s...
Move-Item                         Moves an item from one location to another.      
New-EventLog                      Creates a new event log and a new event source...
New-Item                          Creates a new item.                              
New-ItemProperty                  Creates a new property for an item and sets it...
New-PSDrive                       Creates temporary and persistent mapped networ...
New-Service                       Creates a new Windows service.                   
New-WebServiceProxy               Creates a Web service proxy object that lets y...
Pop-Location                      Changes the current location to the location m...
Push-Location                     Adds the current location to the top of a loca...
Register-WmiEvent                 Subscribes to a Windows Management Instrumenta...
Remove-Computer                   Removes the local computer from its domain.      
Remove-EventLog                   Deletes an event log or unregisters an event s...
Remove-ItemProperty               Deletes the property and its value from an item. 
Remove-PSDrive                    Deletes temporary Windows PowerShell drives an...
Rename-Computer                   Renames a computer.                              
Rename-Item                       Renames an item in a Windows PowerShell provid...
Reset-ComputerMachinePassword     Resets the machine account password for the co...
Resolve-Path                      Resolves the wildcard characters in a path, an...
Restart-Computer                  Restarts ("reboots") the operating system on l...
Restore-Computer                  Starts a system restore on the local computer.   
Set-Item                          Changes the value of an item to the value spec...
Set-ItemProperty                  Creates or changes the value of a property of ...
Set-Location                      Sets the current working location to a specifi...
Set-Service                       Starts, stops, and suspends a service, and cha...
Set-WmiInstance                   Creates or updates an instance of an existing ...
Show-ControlPanelItem             Opens control panel items.                       
Show-EventLog                     Displays the event logs of the local or a remo...
Split-Path                        Returns the specified part of a path.            
Start-Process                     Starts one or more processes on the local comp...
Start-Service                     Starts one or more stopped services.             
Start-Transaction                 Starts a transaction.                            
Stop-Computer                     Stops (shuts down) local and remote computers.   
Stop-Process                      Stops one or more running processes.             
Test-ComputerSecureChannel        Tests and repairs the secure channel between t...
Test-Connection                   Sends ICMP echo request packets ("pings") to o...
Test-Path                         Determines whether all elements of a path exist. 
Undo-Transaction                  Rolls back the active transaction.               
Use-Transaction                   Adds the script block to the active transaction. 
Wait-Process                      Waits for the processes to be stopped before a...
Write-EventLog                    Writes an event to an event log.                 
Add-Member                        Adds custom properties and methods to an insta...
Add-Type                          Adds a Microsoft .NET Framework type (a class)...
ConvertFrom-Csv                   Converts object properties in comma-separated ...
ConvertFrom-Json                  Converts a JSON-formatted string to a custom o...
ConvertFrom-StringData            Converts a string containing one or more key/v...
ConvertTo-Csv                     Converts objects into a series of comma-separa...
ConvertTo-Html                    Converts Microsoft .NET Framework objects into...
ConvertTo-Json                    Converts an object to a JSON-formatted string    
ConvertTo-Xml                     Creates an XML-based representation of an object.
Disable-PSBreakpoint              Disables the breakpoints in the current console. 
Enable-PSBreakpoint               Enables the breakpoints in the current console.  
Export-Alias                      Exports information about currently defined al...
Export-Clixml                     Creates an XML-based representation of an obje...
Export-Csv                        Converts objects into a series of comma-separa...
Export-FormatData                 Saves formatting data from the current session...
Export-PSSession                  Imports commands from another session and save...
Format-Custom                     Uses a customized view to format the output.     
Format-List                       Formats the output as a list of properties in ...
Format-Table                      Formats the output as a table.                   
Format-Wide                       Formats objects as a wide table that displays ...
Get-Alias                         Gets the aliases for the current session.        
Get-Date                          Gets the current date and time.                  
Get-Event                         Gets the events in the event queue.              
Get-EventSubscriber               Gets the event subscribers in the current sess...
Get-FormatData                    Gets the formatting data in the current session. 
Get-Host                          Gets an object that represents the current hos...
Get-Member                        Gets the properties and methods of objects.      
Get-PSBreakpoint                  Gets the breakpoints that are set in the curre...
Get-PSCallStack                   Displays the current call stack.                 
Get-Random                        Gets a random number, or selects objects rando...
Get-TraceSource                   Gets the Windows PowerShell components that ar...
Get-TypeData                      Gets the extended type data in the current ses...
Get-Variable                      Gets the variables in the current console.       
Import-Alias                      Imports an alias list from a file.               
Import-Clixml                     Imports a CLIXML file and creates correspondin...
Import-Csv                        Creates table-like custom objects from the ite...
Import-LocalizedData              Imports language-specific data into scripts an...
Import-PSSession                  Imports commands from another session into the...
Invoke-Expression                 Runs commands or expressions on the local comp...
Invoke-RestMethod                 Sends an HTTP or HTTPS request to a RESTful we...
Invoke-WebRequest                 Gets content from a web page on the Internet.    
Measure-Command                   Measures the time it takes to run script block...
New-Alias                         Creates a new alias.                             
New-Event                         Creates a new event.                             
New-Object                        Creates an instance of a Microsoft .NET Framew...
New-TimeSpan                      Creates a TimeSpan object.                       
New-Variable                      Creates a new variable.                          
Out-File                          Sends output to a file.                          
Out-GridView                      Sends output to an interactive table in a sepa...
Out-Printer                       Sends output to a printer.                       
Out-String                        Sends objects to the host as a series of strings.
Register-EngineEvent              Subscribes to events that are generated by the...
Register-ObjectEvent              Subscribes to the events that are generated by...
Remove-PSBreakpoint               Deletes breakpoints from the current console.    
Remove-TypeData                   Deletes extended types from the current session  
Remove-Variable                   Deletes a variable and its value.                
Select-Object                     Selects objects or object properties.            
Select-String                     Finds text in strings and files.                 
Select-Xml                        Finds text in an XML string or document.         
Send-MailMessage                  Sends an e-mail message.                         
Set-Alias                         Creates or changes an alias (alternate name) f...
Set-Date                          Changes the system time on the computer to a t...
Set-PSBreakpoint                  Sets a breakpoint on a line, command, or varia...
Set-TraceSource                   Configures, starts, and stops a trace of Windo...
Show-Command                      Creates Windows PowerShell commands in a graph...
Trace-Command                     Configures and starts a trace of the specified...
Unblock-File                      Unblocks files that were downloaded from the I...
Update-FormatData                 Updates the formatting data in the current ses...
Update-List                       Adds items to and removes items from a propert...
Update-TypeData                   Updates the extended type data in the session.   
Write-Error                       Writes an object to the error stream.            
Write-Host                        Writes customized output to a host.              
Write-Progress                    Displays a progress bar within a Windows Power...
Write-Verbose                     Writes text to the verbose message stream.       
Write-Warning                     Writes a warning message.                        
Get-WinEvent                      Gets events from event logs and event tracing ...
Get-Counter                       Gets performance counter data from local and r...
Import-Counter                    Imports performance counter log files (.blg, ....
Export-Counter                    The Export-Counter cmdlet takes PerformanceCou...
New-WinEvent                      Creates a new Windows event for the specified ...
Start-Transcript                  Creates a record of all or part of a Windows P...
Get-Acl                           Gets the security descriptor for a resource, s...
Set-Acl                           Changes the security descriptor of a specified...
Get-Credential                    Gets a credential object based on a user name ...
Get-ExecutionPolicy               Gets the execution policies for the current se...
Set-ExecutionPolicy               Changes the user preference for the Windows Po...
Get-AuthenticodeSignature         Gets information about the Authenticode signat...
Set-AuthenticodeSignature         Adds an Authenticode signature to a Windows Po...
ConvertTo-SecureString            Converts encrypted standard strings to secure ...
Set-WSManQuickConfig              Configures the local computer for remote manag...
Connect-WSMan                     Connects to the WinRM service on a remote comp...


"Get-Command -CommandType cmdlet" on Windows PowerShell

What Is Windows PowerShell Cmdlet

Introduction of Windows PowerShell Cmdlet

⇑⇑ Windows PowerShell Tutorials

2016-11-05, 2829🔥, 0💬