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How to Check Version on Windows 10 Computer?
How to check the system version number of my Windows 10 computer? The quickest way to find out the version of your Windows system, is the following: Click "Start > Settings > System > About", you will see detailed information about your system. It may read like this: PC name: pc...
2024-01-31, 716🔥, 0💬

What's New in Windows 10?
What's new in Windows 10? Here is quick summary of what's new in Windows 10. The "Start" menu is back. The "Store" is a one-stop shop for music, videos, games an apps. The "Store" is accessible on the taskbar. "Cortana", your personal assistant, is on the desktop. Ask her to set up a meeting or send...
2024-01-31, 654🔥, 0💬

How to Create New User on Windows 10?
How to create a new user on my Windows 10 computer? Creating a new user on Windows 10 is not so easy. You need to follow these steps: 1. Login in as an admin user. 2. Click "Start > Settings > Accounts". you will see the "Accounts" screen. 3. Click "Family & other users" link f...
2024-01-31, 597🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 FAQ
Where to find FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about Windows 10? Here is a collection of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) compiled by FYIcenter.com team about Windows 10: What's New in Windows 10? How to Upgrade My Computer to Windows 10? How to Check Version on Windows 10 Computer? How to Create Ne...
2024-01-31, 591🔥, 0💬

How to Upgrade My Computer to Windows 10?
How to upgrade my computer to Windows 10? I am currently running Windows 8. I heard that Microsoft offers a free upgrade. Yes. Microsoft offers a free upgrade from Windows 8 to 10. You can follow these steps to perform the upgrade yourself. 1. Download Windows 10 1.1. Go to www.microsoft.com and cli...
2024-01-31, 506🔥, 0💬

How to Promote a User as Admin on Windows 10?
How to promote a user as admin on my Windows 10 computer? Promoting a user as an Administrator on Windows 10 is not so easy. You need to follow these steps: 1. Login in as an admin user. 2. Click "Start > Settings > Accounts". you will see the "Accounts" screen. 3. Click "Family &a...
2024-01-10, 744🔥, 0💬

How to Reset Password of Another User on Windows 10?
How to reset password of another user on Windows 10? To reset password of another user on Windows 10, you need to use Control Panel instead of user Settings. 1. Login in as an admin user. 2. Click "Start" menu. 3. Type in "Control Panel", search and run it. 4. Click "User Accounts > Manage an...
2024-01-10, 723🔥, 0💬

How to Remove Login Password on Windows 10?
How to remove login password on my Windows 10 computer? I am the only one using my computer and I don't want any password. You can remove your login password on Windows 10, if you want to. Just follow these steps. 1. Click "Start > Settings > Accounts". you will see the "Accounts" scre...
2024-01-10, 686🔥, 0💬

Where Is the Log Off Button on Windows 10?
Where is the Log Off button on Windows 10? It's not in the "Power" menu. Correct. The Log Off button is not in the "Power" menu. It is hidden behind the user name icon. Click the "Start" icon. Click on the user icon on top of the Start menu, you will see the following options: Change account setting...
2024-01-10, 596🔥, 0💬

What Is Windows 10?
What is Windows 10? What is Windows 10 Home Premium? Windows 10 is an operating system released by Microsoft on July 29, 2015. Windows 10 is sold in 5 different editions: Home, Pro, Education, Enterprise, Enterprise LTSB. Here is how the desktop screen of Windows 10 looks like: Windows 10 Desktop Sc...
2023-09-03, 2938🔥, 0💬

Introduction of Windows 10
Where to find introduction information on Windows 10? I want to get a basic understanding of Windows 10. Here is a collection frequently asked questions and answers as an introduction to Windows 10 compiled by FYIcenter.com team: What Is Windows 10? What Are Top Features in Windows 10? 'Task Manager...
2023-09-03, 2386🔥, 0💬

'Task Manager' Startup Tab on Windows 10?
A new tab called "Startup" is added in "Task Manager" on Windows Vista and Windows 10. What is this "Startup" tab for? Windows Task Manager on Windows 10 has a new tab called "Startup" comparing with Windows 8. The "Startup" tab lists all startup programs that are configured on the Windows 10 system...
2023-08-24, 4604🔥, 0💬

What Are Top Features in Windows 10?
What are top features in Windows 10? I am curious about what's new in Windows 10. Microsoft thinks that users will like these top features in Windows 10: 1. A new Start menu is used on the Windows 10 desktop, with a list of places and other options on the left side, and tiles representing applicatio...
2023-08-24, 3021🔥, 0💬

Managing Windows 10 Updates
Where to find tutorials about managing Windows 10 Updates? I want to keep my computer up to date with system patches. Here is a collection of tutorials on Windows 10 compiled by FYIcenter.com team about managing Windows 10 Updates: What Is Windows Update on Windows 10 Windows 10 Update - Check for U...
2023-08-24, 2295🔥, 0💬

What Is Windows Update on Windows 10
What is Windows Update on Windows 10? Windows Update is a system application on Windows 10 to deliver updates of systems components and drivers. It also provides automatic updating options. Updates are additions to software that can help prevent or fix problems, improve how your computer works, or e...
2023-08-24, 2085🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Update - Check for Updates
How to check for updates on Windows 10? You can follow this tutorial to check for updates on Windows 10: 1. Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. 2. Go to "Settings > System & Security > Windows Update". You see the current update status of your Windows system. ...
2023-08-24, 2028🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 System Quick Setup
How to finish the quick setup for Windows 10 to check for updates? When you power on your new Windows 10 computer, it will run some initiation steps and then display the quick setup screen as shown below: Windows 10 Setup - Quick Setup 1. Read the message on the screen: "Hi here, Let's get a few bas...
2023-08-17, 5580🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Update - Uninstall Installed Updates
How to Uninstall installed updates from Windows Update on Windows 10? If a Windows update is causing problems, you can follow this tutorial to Uninstall installed updates from Windows Update on Windows 10: 1. Go to "Settings > System & Security > Windows Update". You see the cu...
2023-08-17, 3029🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Wi-Fi Connection
How to connect my computer to Wi-Fi during the Windows 10 system initial setup process? If you bought a new computer and doing the initial setup process of installing Windows 10 Home yourself, you can select your Wi-Fi connection by clicking the right Wi-Fi name. During the setup process, you will s...
2023-08-17, 2927🔥, 0💬

Setting Up HP Computer with Windows 10
How to setup a HP laptop computer? I want to buy the new HP laptop computer on sale at Walmart for about $900.00. But the salesman told me that it requires the initial system setup done by the technician at the store, which would cost about $150.00. How can I do the initial system setup by myself? Y...
2023-08-17, 2558🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Update - View Update History
How to view update history of Windows Update on Windows 10? You can follow this tutorial to view update history of Windows Update on Windows 10: 1. Go to "settings > System & Security > Windows Update". You see the current update status of your Windows system. 2. Click on the "...
2023-08-17, 2284🔥, 0💬

Removing "Content.MSO" Temporary Files on Windows 10
What files are stored in the "C:\Users\<userid&g t;\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Win dows\TemporaryInternet Files\Content.MSO" folder? Can I delete them? Files stored in the "C:\Users\<userid&g t;\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Win dows\TemporaryInternet Files\Content.MSO" folder are tempora...
2023-08-08, 26088🔥, 0💬

Removing Outlook "Temporary Internet Files" on Windows 10
How to remove Outlook temporary files? I heard that if I open a document or a picture attached in emails, Outlook will stored it as a temporary files on my hard disk. Yes, Outlook does store a copy of every attachment you open from emails in the "C:\Users\<userid&g t;\AppData\Local\Microso...
2023-08-08, 3334🔥, 0💬

Removing Files in "Temp" Folder on Windows 10
What files are stored in C:\Users\<userid&gt ;\AppData\Local\Tempfolder? Can I delete them? Files stored in C:\Users\<userid&gt ;\AppData\Local\Tempfolder are temporary files stored by Windows system and applications. By default, Windows environment variable "TEMP" is set to C:...
2023-08-08, 2582🔥, 0💬

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