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Windows 10 Setup - Select Keyboard Layout
How to select keyboard layout to match actual keyboard I have during the Windows 10 setup process? After your Windows 10 computer finishes the country or region question, it will ask you answer the keyboard layout question. Select "Canadian Multilingual Standard", then click "Yes" to continue. Windo...
2023-03-07, 7439🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Select Country or Region
How to select country or region to localize my Windows 10 computer system? After your Windows 10 computer finishes the update, it will start the actual initialization process by ask you to select country or region where you live. Select "Canada" from the list, then click "Yes" to continue. Windows 1...
2023-03-07, 6117🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - License Term and Agreement
How to accept the Microsoft license term and the HP license agreement? If you bought a new computer and doing the initial setup process of installing Windows 10 Home Premium system yourself, you have to accept the Microsoft license term and the HP license agreement by ticking the "Accept" button as ...
2023-03-07, 5244🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Install System Updates
How to install system updates during Windows 10 initial setup process? During the Windows 10 computer setup process, your computer may decide to check for system updates from HP or Microsoft Websites. If there are any updates found, your computer will download them and install them automatically. Wi...
2023-03-07, 2454🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Set Account Password
How to set a password for the local account on my Windows 10 computer during the Windows 10 initial setup process? After set the account name, your computer will prompt you to set a password to protect the account: Create a super memorable password The super memorable password is no password. Click ...
2023-02-28, 6648🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Create Local Account
How to create a local account on my Windows 10 computer during the Windows 10 initial setup process? If you skip the option to sign in with your Microsoft online account, your computer will prompt you to create a local account: Who's going to use this PC? Enter "admin" as the account name and click ...
2023-02-28, 6284🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Setup Cortana
Should I setup Cortana as my personal assistant on my Windows 10 computer? No. No need to setup Cortana as my personal assistant. Cortana is an intelligent personal assistant application created by Microsoft for Windows 10 computers. It's not smart enough to solve all your computer issues. Near the ...
2023-02-28, 3639🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Sign in with Microsoft
Should I sign in with Microsoft during the Windows 10 initial setup process? After checking and installing system updates, your Windows 10 computer will display the "Sign in with Microsoft" screen. You do not have to sign in with your Microsoft account. Using it will allow Microsoft to create a loca...
2023-02-28, 2582🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Check Updates Again
Why my computer is checking for updates again during the Windows 10 initial setup process? During the Windows 10 computer setup process, your computer may check for system updates again after the license team and agreement step. The system update installation at the beginning was for the system to r...
2023-02-28, 2138🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Choose Privacy Settings
How to choose privacy settings during the Windows 10 initial setup process? When you see the "Choose your privacy settings for your device" screen, make the following settings: Location - Windows and apps can't use your location to provide things like local weather, direction, and Find My Device. Of...
2023-02-19, 10783🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Registration with HP
Should I register myself with HP during the Windows 10 initial setup process? As the last step of the Windows 10 initial setup process, your computer will prompt you to register with HP: Register and Protect Register with HP (optional) and choose your HP contact and service preferences. By clicking ...
2023-02-19, 9207🔥, 0💬

Managing Temporary Files on Windows 10
Where to find tutorials on managing and removing temporary files on Windows 10? I want to keep my computer clean. Here is a collection of tutorials on understanding and managing Windows 10 temporary folders and files: Temporary File Locations on Windows 10 Showing Hidden Files and Folders on Windows...
2023-02-19, 3026🔥, 0💬

Windows 10 Setup - Final Step
What is the final step of the Windows 10 initial setup process? The final step of the Windows 10 initial setup process is for your computer to apply all the selections you have made, and install the Windows 10 system. You will see the following message on the screen while waiting: This may take seve...
2023-02-19, 2551🔥, 0💬

Temporary File Locations on Windows 10
Where are temporary files located on Windows 10? I want to delete them all. Here is a complete list of folders where Windows 10 stores temporary files. You should review them one by one before deleting files in those folders: C:\Users\&lt;userid&gt ;\AppData\Local\TempC:\Users\&lt;userid...
2023-02-19, 2288🔥, 0💬

Microsoft home publishing 2000 compatable with windows 10
I have Microsoft home publishing 2000, I was wondering if it is compatable with windows 10? If you are unable to install the software I suggest you to install it in compatibility mode and see if it helps. Now, to install in Compatibility Mode, follow these steps: a. Locate the executable file (.exe ...
2022-12-12, 5567🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-12-12 optyman: I had MS Home Publishing 2000 CDs laying around for a long time and never installed it when I purchased a new laptop running Win...

Locations of Startup Programs on Windows 10
Where are the configuration locations of startup programs on my Windows 10 computer? I want to see where and how each startup program is configured. On your Windows 10 system, startup program configurations are located in 5 places: 1. Common Registry Keys - Some startup programs are configured in sy...
2022-02-19, 3374🔥, 0💬

Track Startup Programs with wmic.exe on Windows 10
How to track and maintain startup programs on Windows 10? I want to keep a record of what startup programs are configured on my computer. If you want to get a list of all startup applications on your Windows 10 system and save it to a file, you can use the Windows Management Instrumentation Command ...
2022-02-19, 2856🔥, 0💬

How Startup Programs Added to Windows 10
How startup programs are added to my Windows 10 computer? There are several possible ways in which startup programs are added to your Windows 10 computer: Windows installation - When Windows system was installed to your computer, some startup programs may be added to your computer. Windows updates -...
2022-02-19, 2337🔥, 0💬

List of Startup Programs on Windows 10
Can I get a list of Startup programs on my Windows 10 computer? Startup programs on Windows 10 systems are programs that configured to run at the system startup time. Some startup programs are installed as part of the Microsoft Windows system, some are installed by your PC manufacture or 3rd part ve...
2022-02-04, 2395🔥, 0💬

Registry Keys for Startup Programs on Windows 10
How to view registry keys of startup programs on Windows 10? If you want to view registry keys of startup programs on your Windows 10 computer, you can follow these steps: 1. Run "regedit.exe". You see the "Registry Editor" window showing up. 2. Select registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mi cro...
2022-02-02, 3012🔥, 0💬

Delete Registry Key of a Startup Program on Windows 10
How to delete the registry key of a startup program on Windows 10? I don't want to this program at system startup time. If you want to delete the registry key of a startup program on your Windows 10 computer, you can follow these steps: 1. Run "regedit.exe". You see the "Registry Editor" window show...
2022-02-02, 2956🔥, 0💬

Ways to Remove Startup Programs on Windows 10
What is the best way to remove startup programs on Windows 10? There are a number of ways you can remove startup programs on your Windows 10 computer as listed below. The best ways are listed first. 1. Uninstalling the owner application - If a startup program was added by an application, and you are...
2022-02-02, 2535🔥, 0💬

Track Startup Programs with PowerShell "get-wmiobject" on Windows 10
How to track and maintain startup programs with PowerShell on Windows 10? I know how to use PowerShell cmdlets. If you want to get a list of all startup applications on your Windows 10 with PowerShell cmdlets, you can use the "Get-WmiObject" cmdlet as described in this tutorial: 1. Start a PowerShel...
2022-02-02, 2431🔥, 0💬

Disable or Remove Startup Programs on Windows 10
Where to find tutorials and answers on removing or disabling startup programs on Windows 10? I want to learn how to disable or remove startup programs to keep my computer secure and fast. Here is a collection frequently asked questions and answers on removing and disabling startup programs on Window...
2022-02-02, 2426🔥, 0💬

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