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What's new in Windows 10?
What's new in Windows 10? Here is quick summary of what's new in Windows 10. The "Start" menu is back. The "Store" is a one-stop shop for music, videos, games an apps. The "Store" is accessible on the taskbar. "Cortana", your personal assistant, is on the desktop. Ask her to set up a meeting or send...
2016-02-12, 4059🔥, 0💬

How to reset password of another user on Windows 10?
How to reset password of another user on Windows 10? To reset password of another user on Windows 10, you need to use Control Panel instead of user Settings. 1. Login in as an admin user. 2. Click "Start" menu. 3. Type in "Control Panel", search and run it. 4. Click "User Accounts > Manage another a...
2016-02-12, 3312🔥, 0💬

Where is the Log Off button on Windows 10?
It's not in the "Power" menu. Correct. The Log Off button is not in the "Power" menu. It is hidden behind the user name icon. Click the "Start" icon. Click on the user icon on top of the Start menu, you will see the following options: Change account settings - Allows to modify user settings Lock - A...
2016-02-10, 3233🔥, 0💬

Making a User as Admin on Windows 10
How to make a user as an admin on Windows 10? Making a user as an Administrator on Windows 10 is not so easy. You need to follow these steps: 1. Login in as an admin user. 2. Click "Start > Settings > Accounts". you will see the "Accounts" screen. 3. Click "Family &amp; other users" link from th...
2016-02-05, 2133🔥, 0💬

Creating User on Windows 10
How to create a new user on Windows 10? Creating a new user on Windows 10 is not so easy. You need to follow these steps: 1. Login in as an admin user. 2. Click "Start > Settings > Accounts". you will see the "Accounts" screen. 3. Click "Family &amp; other users" link from the left menu. 4. Clic...
2016-02-05, 2048🔥, 0💬

How to check the version number of my Windows 10 system?
I have just upgraded from Windows 8.1 to 10. The quickest way to find out the version of your Windows system, is the following: Click "Start > Settings > System > About", you will see detailed information about your system. It may read like this: PC name: pc Organization: WORKGROUP Edition: Windows ...
2016-02-03, 1975🔥, 0💬

How to set up Windows 10?
I finished installating Windows 10 process. If you followed the Windows 10 upgrade and installation process, you will see the "Get going fast" screen at the end with the following message: Change these at any time (scroll to see more). Select Use Express settings to: Personalize your speech, typing,...
2016-02-03, 2515🔥, 0💬

How to install Windows 10?
I followed the Windows 10 upgrade process and finished downloding Windows 10. If you followed the Windows 10 upgrade process to download Windows 10, you will see the "License Terms" screen. Click the "Accept" button, you will see the "Ready to Install" scree with 2 items listed: Install Windows 10 H...
2016-02-01, 2074🔥, 0💬

How to upgrade to Windows 10?
I am currently running Windows 8. I heard that Microsoft offers a free upgrade. Yes. Microsoft offers a free upgrade from Windows 8 to 10. You can follow these steps to perform the upgrade yourself. 1. Go to www.microsoft.com and clicks the "Windows 10" box. You will see a screen with "Windows 10 is...
2016-02-01, 2157🔥, 0💬

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