"Telephony - TapiSrv.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008


What is "Telephony" in my Windows Server 2008 service list? And how is "Telephony" service related to TapiSrv.dll?

✍: FYIcenter.com


"Telephony" is a Windows Server 2008 service that "Provides Telephony API (TAPI) support for programs that control telephony devices on the local computer and, through the LAN, on servers that are also running the service." "Telephony" service is provided by TapiSrv.dll DLL file.

Detailed information on "Telephony" service:

Service name: TapiSrv
Display name: Telephony
Execution command: C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService
Start type: Manual
Service status: Stopped
   Plug and Play
   Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Disabling "Telephony" service should not cause any issues when running Windows Server 2008 system.


List of Services on Windows Server 2008

⇒⇒Windows Server 2008 Tutorials

2021-08-11, 1925🔥, 0💬