"isoinfo -l" - List of Files and Their Locations


"isoinfo -l" - List of Files and Their Locations

✍: Guest


One interesting usage of "isoinfo" is to list all files on the CD and their locations on the CD. Here is what did on test the "isoinfo -l" command

C:\>\local\cdrtools\isoinfo dev=0,0,0 -l | more

Directory listing of /
d--------- 0 0 0     2048      0 1900 [   19 02] . 
d--------- 0 0 0     2048      0 1900 [   19 02] .. 
d--------- 0 0 0     2048 Mar 12 2007 [   20 02] ATI 
---------- 0 0 0       27 Oct 14 2004 [28995 00] AUTORUN.INF;1
d--------- 0 0 0     2048 Mar 12 2007 [   21 02] BP
---------- 0 0 0     2411 Oct 18 2006 [28996 00] DELL.CSS;1 
d--------- 0 0 0     2048 Mar 12 2007 [   22 02] DRIVER 
---------- 0 0 0  3558406 Dec 20 2006 [28998 00] EMEACD_.PDF;1 
d--------- 0 0 0     2048 Mar 12 2007 [   25 02] EN 
d--------- 0 0 0     2048 Mar 12 2007 [   26 02] FR 
d--------- 0 0 0     8192 Mar 12 2007 [   28 02] GRAPHICS
d--------- 0 0 0     2048 Mar 12 2007 [   36 02] HE 
d--------- 0 0 0     2048 Mar 12 2007 [   37 02] IT 
---------- 0 0 0    76431 Jun  2 1980 [30736 00] MONITOR.EXE;1 
---------- 0 0 0     2439 Dec 18 2006 [30774 00] MONITOR.HTM;1
d--------- 0 0 0     2048 Mar 12 2007 [   40 02] NVIDIA 
---------- 0 0 0  4228202 Aug 28 2006 [30776 00] QSGE228.PDF;1 
---------- 0 0 0     1733 Dec 11 2006 [32841 00] README.TXT;1 

Directory listing of /ATI/
d--------- 0 0 0     2048      0 1900 [   20 02] . 
d--------- 0 0 0     2048      0 1900 [   19 02] .. 
---------- 0 0 0 23198334 Dec 20 2004 [   78 00] WXP_W2K.EXE;1 

Directory listing of /BP/
d--------- 0 0 0     2048      0 1900 [   21 02] . 
d--------- 0 0 0     2048      0 1900 [   19 02] .. 
---------- 0 0 0    66265 Jan  4 2007 [11406 00] ABOUT.HTM;1 
---------- 0 0 0   109495 Dec 14 2006 [11439 00] APPENDX.HTM;1 
---------- 0 0 0      903 Jul 31 2000 [11493 00] BULLET.GIF;1 
---------- 0 0 0     2411 Oct 18 2006 [11494 00] DELL.CSS;1 
---------- 0 0 0     4735 Oct 25 2006 [11496 00] DESKTOP.HTM;1 
---------- 0 0 0     6819 Nov 14 2006 [11499 00] INDEX.HTM;1 

The output is very useful. It tells me that:
The output format matches exactly the format of the UNIX command "ls -lR".
The "d" in the first column indicates that the entry is a directory.
The number before the date column is the size of the entry.
The number enclosed in [] is the location of the entry. For example, the location of the entry "README.TXT" is sector 32841

2017-02-09, 7840🔥, 2💬