CD Track Types - CD-ROM Modes


CD Track Types - CD-ROM Modes

✍: Guest

    The main characteristics of CD-ROM specification are:
  1. CD Data Structure: Data on CD is stored in units of sectors. Each sector holds 32,768 bytes of data, and is divided into 98 frames with 24 bytes per frame. This data structure is shared by both audio CD and data CD.
  2. Data Track: Data (audio and data) is recorded on CD as tracks.
  3. Track Type: There are three track types:
    CD-Audio: For audio music.
    CD-ROM Mode 1: For computer data.
    CD-ROM Mode 2: For compressed picture, audio or video data.
  4. CD-ROM Mode 1 Sector Layout: 2352 bytes is divided to:
    12 bytes of synchronization
    4 bytes of header information
    2048 bytes of user information
    288 bytes of error correction and detection codes
  5. CD-ROM Mode 2 Sector Layout: 2352 bytes is divided to:
    12 bytes of synchronization
    4 bytes of header information
    2336 bytes of user information

2007-11-16, 6004🔥, 0💬