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"hkcmd Module - hkcmd.exe" Startup Program
What is the startup program "hkcmd Module - hkcmd.exe" on my Windows 8 computer? Can I remove it to speedup my computer and reduce security risk?
"hkcmd Module - hkcmd.exe" is added to your computer as part of system installation on computers.
You will see "hkcmd.exe" listed on the Startup tab of Task Manager screen as:
Startup Item : Alps Pointing Device Driver Publisher : Alps Electric Co., Ltd. Command : C:\WINDOWS\system32\hkcmd.exe Location : HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Registry name: HotKeysCmds
Program file information about "hkcmd.exe":
Directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32 File name: hkcmd.exe Description: hkcmd Module Size: 390 KB (399,392 bytes) Date: Saturday, October 6, 2012, 12:12:08 AM Version: Company name: Intel System essential: Yes Virus/Spyware/Adware: No
It is strongly recommended to keep "hkcmd Module - hkcmd.exe" enabled as a startup program and leave it running all the time.
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2018-12-20, 59253🔥, 2💬
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