Creating a Standard Tabular Form


Using Columnar as the layout for a form as shown in the previous tutorial is good to enter new records or editing existing records. But the columnar layout only shows one record at a time. It is not convenient for browsing records or comparing records.

So how to create a form to edit multiple rows at the same time?



The answer is to use the standard tabular form. This tutorial shows you how to create a standard tabular form on an existing table.

0. Continue from the previous tutorial to create the columnar form.

1. Click "Forms" in the Objects list. Then "Create form by using wizard". The "Form Wizard" dialog box shows up.

2. Select "Table: Account" in the Tables/Queries list. Then click ">>" icon to select all Available fields. Click Next. The layout selection shows up.

3. Select Tabular and click Next. The style selection shows up.

4. Select Standard and click Next. The title question shows up.

5. Enter "Account List" as the title and click Finish. The simple standard tabular form is created for the Account table.

6. You can modify any existing records displayed. You can also insert a new record by entering data in the last empty row as show in the picture below: MS Access Standard Tabular Form

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