Recommendations on Startup Programs on Windows 7


Can I get recommendations on startup programs for my Window 7 system?



Here is a list of commonly seen startup programs on Windows 7 system with recommendations whether to keep, disable to delete them:

Active Protection System - TpShocks.exe - keep it
bncsaui.exe - bncsaui.exe - keep it
Chromium - chrome.exe - disable it
FAH - FAHCON~1.exe - disable it
GoogleChromeAutoLaunch... - chrome.exe - disable it
Inter(R) USB 3.0 Monitor - iusb3mon.exe - keep it
Inter(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R) - btmshellex.dll - keep it
Java(TM) Platform SE Auto Update 2.0 - jusched - disable it
Lenovo Communications Utility - TPKNRRES.exe - keep it
McAfee Agent - udaterui.exe - keep it
McAfee Endpoint Encryption - EpeFprTrainer.exe - disable it
McAfee Endpoint Encryption - EpePcMonitor.exe - keep it
Microsoft Office 2013 - lync.exe - disable it
Microsoft Security Client - msseces.exe - keep it
Microsoft Windows Operating System - powershell.exe - disable it
OpenOffice 3.2 - QUICKS~1.exe - disable it
Pulse Secure - pulse.exe - disable it
Synaptics Pointing Device Driver - SynTPEnh.exe - keep it
Update Notifier - WZUPDA~1.EXE - disable it
WinZip Preloader - WZPREL~1.EXE - disable it


Delete or Disable Scheduled Tasks on Windows 7

Security Impact of Startup Programs on Windows 7

Remove or Disable Startup Programs on Windows 7

⇑⇑ Windows 7 Security Tutorials

2017-03-25, 2109🔥, 0💬