"Avaya Scopia® Desktop Client" Installed Program on Windows 7


What is the installed program "Avaya Scopia® Desktop Client" on my Windows 7 computer?

✍: FYIcenter.com


"Avaya Scopia® Desktop Client" is an installed program on Windows 7 system managed by the program itself.

You will see "Avaya Scopia® Desktop Client" listed on "uninstall or change a program" in Control Panel with the following information:

Name: Avaya Scopia® Desktop Client
Publisher: Avaya, Inc.

Other information related to "Avaya Scopia® Desktop Client" installed program:

System Component: No
Identifying Number: {D4B018FD-B6EF-42E0-BE6D-31E1C60189E4}
Install Location: 
Install Source: 
Install Date: 
Uninstall Command: rundll32.exe "C:\Users\fyicenter\AppData\Local\Radvision\Installer\Package\ClientInst0.pkg",PkgEntry -uninstall
Windows Installer: No

It is recommended to keep "Avaya Scopia® Desktop Client" as an installed program.

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2018-01-27, 3535🔥, 0💬