Windows 8.1 and Activation Codes for Windows 8


With all the strange issues with the 8.1 Updates, many people having varying degrees of success, myself included. It is not an easy task, and the solutions, in my case, 4 different computers and ALL of them an upgrade PITA when it comes to 8.1. Only the last one, a pre-UEFI based Acer Aspire but still capable of current network and hard drive/memory support, is giving me the most grief on getting it up. The first laptop, an HP with UEFI was a hard run, learning, searching, finding various solutions, none worked...but I finally did get it to cooperate.

But those issues aside, most people who did not have problems with 8.1 used the full install method, much like I would do with my copy of 8.0 when installing. Except I have to use the "store" method it seems. Or perhaps I am wrong about that. Hence the following question:

Can I use the product keys for Windows 8.0 and subsequent Media Center directly with a Windows 8.1 installation media and install via clearing my drive all together and starting fresh? My impression is no, that I would get a key error at the install stage and cannot continue past it, like I would with 8.0 if the key did not match the hash. I haven't tried as a result of that belief.

✍: Guest

You need the original product key before you had upgraded the machine to Media Center to use with the Windows 8.1 install media. The Media Center key can only install Media Center.

2016-03-11, 3533🔥, 0💬