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csrss.exe - Process - Windows Client Server Runtime Process
What is csrss.exe process - Windows Client Server Runtime Process?
Process csrss.exe is the executable program for the Microsoft Client/Server Runtime Server Subsystem. This process manages most graphical commands in Windows.
csrss.exe process and program file info:
CPU usage: 00% Memory usage: 1,060K Launching method: System Service Directory: C:\windows\system32 File name: csrss.exe Description: Client Server Runtime Process Size: 4,096 bytes Date: Monday, April 19, 2004, 12:26:10 PM Version: 5.1.2600.0 Company name: Microsoft Corporation System essential: Yes Virus/Spyware/Adware: No
2007-01-22, 11196🔥, 0💬
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