Loop Hashtable Members in Windows PowerShell Scripts


How to use Foreach loops in Windows PowerShell scripts?

✍: FYIcenter.com


There are a couple of ways of loop through members of a hashtable.

1. Using "Keys" property - The "Keys" property holds a Collection object of all keys in a hashtable. The Collection object of keys can be used in a "Foreach {...}" loop as shown below:

$p = @{FirstName="John";LastName="Smith";Age=40}
"My profile:"
Foreach ($k in $p.Keys) {
   "   "+$k+": "+$p.$k

2. Using "Values" property - The "Values" property holds a Collection object of all values in a hashtable. The Collection object of keys can be used in a "Foreach {...}" loop.

$p = @{FirstName="John";LastName="Smith";Age=40}
"My profile:"
Foreach ($v in $p.Values) {
   "   "+$v

3. Using "GetEnumerator()" method - The "GetEnumerator()" method returns a Collection of DictionaryEntry objects represents all members in a hashtable. The Collection can be used in a "Foreach {...}" loop to loop through each DictionaryEntry with its "Key" and "Value" properties:

$p = @{FirstName="John";LastName="Smith";Age=40}
"My profile:"
Foreach ($e in $p.GetEnumerator()) {
   "   "+$e.Key+": "+$e.Value


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2016-10-29, 3400🔥, 0💬