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"GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore" Scheduled Task on Windows 8
What is the scheduled task "\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore" on my Windows 8 computer?
"\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore" is a scheduled task on Windows 8 system
added as part of Windows installation.
You will see "\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore" listed on Task Scheduler with the following information:
Name: GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore Location: Description: Keeps your Google software up to date. If this task is disabled or stopped, your Google software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This task uninstalls itself when the Actions: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe /c Triggers: At logon of any user History: Information 3:24:00 Task completed Information 3:24:00 Action completed Information 3:24:00 Action started Information 3:24:00 Created task process Information 3:24:00 Task started Information 3:24:00 Task triggered on scheduler ...
Programe file information about "GoogleUpdate.exe":
File name: GoogleUpdate.exe File path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe File size: 153752 bytes Last modified time: 12/13/2016 8:15:10 PM File description: Google Installer File version: Company name: Google Inc.
"GoogleUpdate.exe" is scheduled to run each time your logon to the computer.
It is recommended to disable "\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore" as a scheduled task. You can get the updates yourself manually.
2016-12-29, 4077🔥, 0💬
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