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Disable "Yahoo! Powered fodam" Scheduled Task on Windows 7
What is the scheduled task "Yahoo! Powered fodam" on my Windows 7 computer?
"Yahoo! Powered fodam" is a suspicious scheduled task on Windows 7 system.
You will see "Yahoo! Powered fodam" listed on Task Scheduler with the following information:
Name: Yahoo! Powered fodam Actions: Start a program - C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe "C:\ProgramData\{4DA388C0-C7E1-0206-4127-9C44DB65178A}\moti.txt" "687474703a2f2f7761676e672e636f6d" "433a5c50726f6772616d446174615c7b..." "433a5c50726f6772616d446174615c7b..." "//B" "//E:jscript" "--IsErIk" Triggers: Daily - At 3:35 PM every day - After triggered, repeat every 1 hour for a duration of 1 day Conditions: History: Information 8:35:00 Task completed Information 8:35:00 Action completed Information 8:35:00 Created Task Process Information 8:35:00 Action Started Information 8:35:00 Task Started Information 8:35:00 Task Engine received message to start task Information 8:35:00 Task triggered on scheduler ...
Programe file information about "moti.txt":
File name: moti.txt File path: C:\ProgramData\{4DA388C0-C7E1-0206-4127-9C44DB65178A}\moti.txt File size: 237,409 bytes Last modified time: December 14, 2016, 10:35:07 AM File description: File version: Company name: Content: "6657586e56337496986f86e52094d56186956e32892987b86657596e56387456936f96e8208665 2896252987b57232692682887253d92153082c56c32e94586386856f92856282952937d96687586 e56397456986f56e32097082882957b97256587457537296e82886e565977520841563374969876 86555894f56286a56536397482882255396357286957037496986e86752e94656986c5653539798 7387456596d54f86256a36596387482252992952e84756537495086187256596e57484656f36c96 486587254e96156d86552836c92e85386357296957087454637596c86c84e56196d56582957d366 97586e86357496956f86e52036892886282957b96253d86252e37496f85387457296956e8675283 ...
"moti.txt" is an unknown script with no description and located in an unusual program folder. It is probably installed as part of the WinZip installation.
It is strongly recommended to disable "Yahoo! Powered fodam" as a scheduled task to keep your computer more secure. And consider to delete C:\ProgramData\{4DA388C0-C7E1-0206-4127-9C44DB65178A} folder.
⇒ Disable "Lenovo PowerENGAGE" Scheduled Task on Windows 7
⇐ Disable "1ED570D2-8DDF-3F78-27CD-13850F70022F" Scheduled Task on Windows 7
2017-03-22, 5133🔥, 0💬
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