Commands Supported in Batch Files


What types of commands are supported in Windows batch files?



There are 4 types of commands supported in Windows batch files:

1. DOS Commands - DOS (Disk Operating System) commands are CMD.EXE built-in commands that are designed to manage files and folders on the hard disk and other storage devices.

Example of DOS commands are: "DIR", "CD", "COPY", etc.

2. Windows System Programs - Windows system programs are programs provided by Microsoft in the C:\Windows folder that are designed to manage the Windows system and resources. You can run Windows system programs like commands in batch files.

Example of Windows system programs are: "PING.EXE", "TASKLIST.EXE", "IPCONFIG.EXE", etc.

3. Application Programs - Application programs are programs provided by third party software vendors in the "C:\Program files" folder that designed to perform specific tasks. You can run application programs like commands in batch files.

Example of application programs are: "JAVA.EXE", "MYSQL.EXE", "WINZIP", etc.

4. Batch Execution Controls - Batch execution controls are special commands used in batch files to perform special operations.

Example of batch execution controls are: "ECHO", "GOTO", "REM", etc.


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2017-12-04, 2802🔥, 0💬