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Get Sub-String from Variable
How to get a sub-string from a string batch variable?
You can get a sub-string from a string batch variable using the following variable modifier:
In the above expression, "i" is the offset position of the sub-string to be extracted, and "l" is the length of the sub-string to be extracted.
If "i" is negative, the offset is counted from the end of the string. If "l" is negative, the length is the calculated from total number of characters in the string.
Examples of sub-string modifiers:
rem Get 5 characters starting from 11th set test=%java_home:~10,5% rem Get last 10 characters set test=%java_home:~-10% rem Get all characters except the last 2 characters set test=%java_home:~0,-2%
⇒ Batch Command Help Reference Documents
⇐ String Variable Match and Replace
2021-10-10, 1666🔥, 0💬
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