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"for" Loop Parameter Modifiers
How to use "for" Loop Parameter Modifiers?
Here is a batch file, For-Loop-Parameter.bat, that dumps the "for" loop parameter "%%p" with different modifiers:
@echo off rem For-Loop-Parameter.bat - Show components of a for loop parameter for %%p in (%1) do ( echo ---------------- echo p = %%p echo ~p = %%~p echo ~fp = %%~fp echo ~dp = %%~dp echo ~pp = %%~pp echo ~np = %%~np echo ~xp = %%~xp echo ~sp = %%~sp echo ~ap = %%~ap echo ~tp = %%~tp echo ~zp = %%~zp echo ~$PATH:p = %%~$PATH:p echo ~dpp = %%~dpp echo ~pdp = %%~pdp echo ~nxp = %%~nxp echo ~dp$PATH:p = %%~dp$PATH:p echo ~ftzap = %%~ftzap )
If you run the above batch file with a file name pattern, you get the following output:
C:\fyicenter>For-Loop-Parameter.bat *.log ---------------- p = error.log ~p = error.log ~fp = C:\fyicenter\error.log ~dp = C: ~pp = \fyicenter\ ~np = error ~xp = .log ~sp = C:\FYICEN~1\error.log ~ap = --a------ ~tp = 11/22/2033 10:46 PM ~zp = 16 ~$PATH:p = C:\fyicenter\error.log ~dpp = C:\fyicenter\ ~pdp = C:\fyicenter\ ~nxp = error.log ~dp$PATH:p = C:\fyicenter\ ~ftzap = --a------ 11/22/2033 10:46 PM 16 C:\fyicenter\error.log ---------------- p = ping.log ~p = ping.log ~fp = C:\fyicenter\ping.log ~dp = C: ~pp = \fyicenter\ ~np = ping ~xp = .log ~sp = C:\FYICEN~1\ping.log ~ap = --a------ ~tp = 11/22/2033 12:02 AM ~zp = 475 ~$PATH:p = C:\fyicenter\ping.log ~dpp = C:\fyicenter\ ~pdp = C:\fyicenter\ ~nxp = ping.log ~dp$PATH:p = C:\fyicenter\ ~ftzap = --a------ 11/22/2033 12:02 AM 475 C:\fyicenter\ping.log ---------------- ...
If you run the above batch file with a text message, the output is not that useful:
C:\fyicenter>For-Loop-Parameter.bat "Hello world!" ---------------- p = "Hello world!" ~p = Hello world! ~fp = C:\fyicenter\Hello world! ~dp = C: ~pp = \fyicenter\ ~np = Hello world! ~xp = ~sp = C:\FYICEN~1\Hello world! ~ap = ~tp = ~zp = ~$PATH:p = ~dpp = C:\fyicenter\ ~pdp = C:\fyicenter\ ~nxp = Hello world! ~dp$PATH:p = ~ftzap = C:\fyicenter\Hello world!
⇐ What Is "for" Loop Parameter
2022-02-04, 2788🔥, 0💬
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