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Get Batch File Path Name Components
How to Get Batch File Path Name Components? I want to know the path name of the directory where the batch file is located.
To get different components of the batch file path name, you can use batch parameter modifiers on %0, which represents the batch file name.
Here is a batch file, Batch-File-Name.bat, that dumps the %0 parameter with different modifiers:
@echo off rem Batch-File-Name.bat - Show components of the batch file name echo 0 = %0 echo ~0 = %~0 echo ~f0 = %~f0 echo ~d0 = %~d0 echo ~p0 = %~p0 echo ~n0 = %~n0 echo ~x0 = %~x0 echo ~s0 = %~s0 echo ~a0 = %~a0 echo ~t0 = %~t0 echo ~z0 = %~z0 echo ~$PATH:0 = %~$PATH:0 echo ~dp0 = %~dp0 echo ~pd0 = %~pd0 echo ~nx0 = %~nx0 echo ~dp$PATH:0 = %~dp$PATH:0 echo ~ftza0 = %~ftza0
If you run the above batch file located at C:\fyicenter\Batch-File-Name.bat, you get the following output:
C:\fyicenter>Batch-File-Name.bat 0 = Batch-File-Name.bat ~0 = Batch-File-Name.bat ~f0 = C:\fyicenter\Batch-File-Name.bat ~d0 = C: ~p0 = \fyicenter\ ~n0 = Batch-File-Name ~x0 = .bat ~s0 = C:\FYICEN~1\BATCH-~2.BAT ~a0 = --a------ ~t0 = 11/22/2033 10:20 PM ~z0 = 552 ~$PATH:0 = C:\fyicenter\Batch-File-Name.bat ~dp0 = C:\fyicenter\ ~pd0 = C:\fyicenter\ ~nx0 = Batch-File-Name.bat ~dp$PATH:0 = C:\fyicenter\ ~ftza0 = --a------ 11/22/2033 10:20 PM 552 C:\fyicenter\Batch-File-Name.bat
⇒ Get Batch Parameter as File Path
2022-02-19, 8465🔥, 0💬
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