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"BlueJeans.Detector - BlueJeans.Detector.exe" Startup Program
What is the startup program "BlueJeans.Detector - BlueJeans.Detector.exe" on my Windows 7 computer?
"BlueJeans.Detector - BlueJeans.Detector.exe" is installed as part of the
BlueJeans conference and communication application.
You will see the "BlueJeans.Detector.exe" listed on the Startup tab of msconfig.exe screen as:
Startup item: BlueJeans.Detector Manufacture: BlueJeans Command: "C:\Users\{userid}\AppData\Local\BlueJeans\BlueJeans.Detector.exe Location: HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Program file information about "BlueJeans.Detector.exe":
File name: BlueJeans.Detector.exe File path: C:\Users\{userid}\AppData\Local\BlueJeans File size: 203,200 bytes Last modified time: Saturday, December 15, 2018, 11:33:02 PM File description: BlueJeans.Detector File version: 2.11.249 Company name: BlueJeans
It is recommended to disable "BlueJeans.Detector - BlueJeans.Detector.exe" startup program. You can run it whenever needed.
⇒ "GoogleChromeAutoLaunch_391E... - Chrome.exe" Startup Program
⇐ "Microsoft Teams - teams.exe" Startup Program
2019-03-27, 8211🔥, 0💬
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