Spyware and Browser Hijacker Detector


Spyware and Browser Hijacker Detector

✍: Guest


HijackThis is probably the most popular spyware detection tools available on the Internet. So I downloaded HijackThis v1.99.0 from the Web site: http://www.merijn.org/.

Here is a basic tour of how to use HijackThis:
1. Run HijackThis, it will offer you a couple of command buttons on the first dialog box.
2. Click the "Do a system scan and save a logfile" button. HijackThis will scan your system and show you the "Save logfile" dialog box.
3. Select a directory and enter a file name for the log file, for example, c:\temp\hijackthis.log.
4. Open c:\temp\hijackthis.log with a text editor.

2008-11-18, 5500🔥, 0💬