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Does a valid digital signature mean that the file is safe?
Does a valid digital signature mean that the file is safe? No, a valid digital signature does not verify that the contents of the file are harmless. You must decide if you should trust the contents of the file based on the identity of the publisher and where you are downloading the file from. Click ...
2011-09-20, 4548🔥, 0💬

What if a file does not have a valid digital signature?
What if a file does not have a valid digital signature? If the file does not have a valid digital signature, there is no way for you to be sure that the file is actually from the source it claims to be from, or that it has not been tampered with (possibly by a virus) since it was published. It's saf...
2011-09-20, 7374🔥, 0💬

What's a digital signature?
What's a digital signature? A digital signature is an electronic security mark that can be added to files. It allows you to verify the publisher of a file and helps verify that the file has not changed since it was digitally signed.
2011-09-13, 4429🔥, 0💬

How do I make Pop-ups display in a tab?
How do I make Pop-ups display in a tab? By default, pop-ups display in separate windows. If you prefer to have pop-ups display in tabs, follow these steps: 1. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options. 2. Click the General tab, and then, under Tabs, click Settings...
2011-09-13, 4175🔥, 0💬

How do I change the Pop-up Blocker settings?
How do I change the Pop-up Blocker settings? 1. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, click Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings. 2. Make any changes that you would like, and then click Close.
2011-09-05, 4611🔥, 0💬

I don't want to see pop-ups, even if they are opened when I click a link or button on a website. Can I set Internet Explorer to
I don't want to see pop-ups, even if they are opened when I click a link or button on a website. Can I set Internet Explorer to block all pop-ups? Yes. Follow these steps: To block all pop-ups 1. In Internet Explorer , click the Tools button, click Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Setti...
2011-09-05, 4285🔥, 0💬

How to remove a website from your list of sites that allow pop-ups
How to remove a website from your list of sites that allow pop-ups 1. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, click Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings. 2. In the Address of website to allow box, click the website you want to remove from the list, and then click Remove. 3. R...
2011-08-30, 4122🔥, 0💬

I turned on Pop-up Blocker but I still see some pop-ups. Why?
I turned on Pop-up Blocker but I still see some pop-ups. Why? The following are some common reasons why you might still be seeing pop-ups:  You might have software, such as adware or spyware, on your computer that is opening pop-up windows. To stop these pop-ups, you will have to identify the softw...
2011-08-30, 5156🔥, 0💬

How can I choose to allow pop-ups from a specific website?
How can I choose to allow pop-ups from a specific website? By default, Internet Explorer displays pop-ups that appear as a result of you clicking a link or button. Pop-up Blocker blocks pop-ups that are displayed automatically (without you clicking a link or button). If you want to allow a specific ...
2011-08-23, 4446🔥, 0💬

Can I see a pop-up that Internet Explorer blocked?
Can I see a pop-up that Internet Explorer blocked? Yes. Follow these steps: 1. In Internet Explorer, navigate to a website with a pop-up, and then click the Information bar when it notifies you that a pop-up window has been blocked. 2. Click Show Blocked Pop-up. You can allow a pop-up to be displaye...
2011-08-23, 4386🔥, 0💬

How do I turn Pop-up Blocker on or off?
How do I turn Pop-up Blocker on or off? Pop-up Blocker is turned on in Internet Explorer by default. To turn it off or to turn it on again if you've already turned it off, follow these steps: To turn Pop-up Blocker on or off 1. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, and then click Pop-up Bloc...
2011-08-16, 5934🔥, 0💬

What is Pop-up Blocker?
What is Pop-up Blocker? Pop-up Blocker is a feature in Internet Explorer that lets you limit or block most pop-ups. You can choose the level of blocking you prefer, from blocking all pop-up windows to allowing the pop-ups that you want to see. When Popup Blocker is turned on, you will get an Informa...
2011-08-16, 5372🔥, 0💬

What is a pop-up window?
What is a pop-up window? A pop-up is a small web browser window that appears on top of the website you're viewing. Pop-up windows often open as soon as you visit a website and are usually created by advertisers.
2011-08-09, 5036🔥, 0💬

How to unblock a publisher?
How to unblock a publisher? 1. Open Internet Explorer. 2. Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options. 3. Click the Content tab, and then click Publishers. 4. Click the Untrusted Publishers tab, click the publisher you want to unblock, click Remove, and then click Yes to confirm that you...
2011-08-02, 16074🔥, 0💬

How to block a publisher
How to block a publisher If a file is being downloaded to your computer, you might see a security warning dialog box. If it has a More options button, you have the ability to prevent this publisher from downloading more software to your computer. 1. On the security warning message, click More option...
2011-08-02, 5781🔥, 0💬

How do I get Yahoo Menue Bar on my Yahoo Brower?
How do I get Yahoo Menue Bar on my Yahoo Brower? Install Yahoo Toolbar in Just a Few Simple Steps * 1 Go to Yahoo's home page and click on the 'Get Y! Toolbar' link (see Resources below). There will be a button that says 'Download Yahoo Toolbar.' Before selecting it, check the information below the ...
2011-08-01, 5042🔥, 0💬

Does the software have a digital signature?
Does the software have a digital signature? If so, check the digital signature to be sure that it's valid, that the software publisher is the one you expected, and that the file has not been tampered with. You can view the digital signature by clicking the publisher link in the Internet Explorer sec...
2011-07-26, 5114🔥, 0💬

Do you need the software, and do you know what it does?
Do you need the software, and do you know what it does? Some websites will try to get you to download software that you don't need. Research the software and find out why the website is asking you to download it.
2011-07-26, 4250🔥, 0💬

Does the software have a digital signature?
Does the software have a digital signature? If so, check the digital signature to be sure that it's valid, that the software publisher is the one you expected, and that the file has not been tampered with. You can view the digital signature by clicking the publisher link in the Internet Explorer sec...
2011-07-19, 4443🔥, 0💬

Do you need the software, and do you know what it does?
Do you need the software, and do you know what it does? Some websites will try to get you to download software that you don't need. Research the software and find out why the website is asking you to download it.
2011-07-19, 3969🔥, 0💬

Is the software from a trusted source?
Is the software from a trusted source? Choose software from a publisher you already trust, such as a widely recognized company or website. Consider a company or website you've had a satisfactory experience with previously, or one that has been recommended by someone you trust.
2011-07-12, 4359🔥, 0💬

Does the subject line or attachment file name make sense?
Does the subject line or attachment file name make sense? Junk e-mail and viruses often use random characters or words in the subject line or attachment file name to bypass content or spam filters. An unexpected message from a friend that has gibberish in the subject line might be sent by a virus th...
2011-07-12, 4171🔥, 0💬

Were you expecting e-mail from this sender?
Were you expecting e-mail from this sender? Were you expecting a message or attachment from the sender with the subject or file name? If not, send a separate e-mail message to the sender (don't click Reply) and ask if he or she really sent this e-mail message.
2011-07-05, 4537🔥, 0💬

Have you received e-mail from this sender before?
Have you received e-mail from this sender before? If you know the person or company sending the message, but you've never received e-mail from them before, make sure you know why you're getting a message now. Check the text in the Subject line and the file name of the attachment, if there is one. If...
2011-07-05, 4468🔥, 0💬

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