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"RdrCEF.exe" Process on Windows 7
What is the "RdrCEF.exe" process on windows 7? Is the "RdrCEF.exe" process a virus? Can I terminate the "RdrCEF.exe" process? "RdrCEF.exe - Adobe RdrCEF" process is part of the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Updater checks and notifies you for updates of Adobe products like Adobe Acrobat Reader. "RdrCEF.ex...
2020-09-30, 9020🔥, 2💬

💬 2020-09-30 @KIM, you can try to reboot your computer in "Safe" mode and remove "Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager".

💬 2020-09-29 KIM: rdrCEF acts as virus - won't stay closed Furthermore acrobat demands to reboot computer to finish update - no way to just close ...

Running Processes on Windows 10 Enterprise
What are default Running Processes on a Windows 10 Enterprise computer? If you are running a Windows 10 system, and you see some strange processes showing up on Task Manager, you can compare your running processes with this default task list of a Windows 10 Enterprise system: C:\Users\fyicenter&...
2019-05-16, 6912🔥, 0💬

Running Processes on Windows 7 Home Premium
What are default Running Processes on a Windows 7 Home Premium computer? If you are running a Windows 7 system, and you see some strange processes showing up on Task Manager, you can compare your running processes with this default task list of a Windows 7 Home Premium system on a HP laptop: Image N...
2017-03-06, 2245🔥, 0💬

Windows 7 Processes Tutorials
Where to find information about what processes are running on Windows 7 and how to manage them? I want to know everything about Windows 7 processes. Here is a collection of tutorials about Windows 7 processes compiled by team. Topics include understanding processes; CPU and memory usag...
2016-12-11, 99540🔥, 0💬

Startup Program Processes on Windows 7
Where to find detailed information about startup program processes on Windows 7? I want to know which processes are created by startup programs. Here is a collection of tutorials on Windows 7 compiled by team about startup program processes: "iTunesHelper.exe" Process on Windows 7 "Tea...
2016-07-17, 3740🔥, 0💬

Processes Running on Vista Enterprise Edition
What are basic processes running on a Vista Enterprise Edition? The table below gives you a list of basic processes running on a Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 1, system. If you are running the same edition, you can compare processes running your system against this list. This compar...
2009-12-28, 6350🔥, 0💬

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