Processes Running on Vista Enterprise Edition


What are basic processes running on a Vista Enterprise Edition?



The table below gives you a list of basic processes running on a Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 1, system. If you are running the same edition, you can compare processes running your system against this list.

This comparison will tell you if you have any extra processes unnecessarily running on your system. These extra processes will slow down your system and may harm your system if they are resulted by malware.

List of basic processes running on a Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 1

Image NameSession NameMem Usage
SystemServices5,788 K
smss.exeServices596 K
csrss.exeServices5,360 K
wininit.exeServices3,388 K
csrss.exeConsole7,984 K
services.exeServices8,100 K
lsass.exeServices4,440 K
lsm.exeServices3,844 K
winlogon.exeConsole4,920 K
svchost.exeServices7,112 K
audiodg.exeServices9,932 K
SLsvc.exeServices11,140 K
svchost.exeServices11,048 K
Smc.exeServices11,700 K
ccSvcHst.exeServices3,140 K
spoolsv.exeServices9,344 K
taskeng.exeServices7,360 K
svchost.exeServices11,952 K
AEADISRV.exeServices1,436 K
agrsmsvc.exeServices2,076 K
Sagent.exeServices5,744 K
dsNcService.exeServices8,576 K
MsDtsSrvr.exeServices12,152 K
Prot_srv.exeServices4,692 K
pstartSr.exeServices2,812 K
radexecd.exeServices2,952 K
radsched.exeServices3,528 K
radstgms.exeServices3,812 K
Rtvscan.exeServices6,704 K
SearchIndexer.exeServices16,232 K
hpqWmiEx.exeServices4,736 K
ssonsvr.exeConsole3,696 K
taskeng.exeConsole11,780 K
dwm.exeConsole50,716 K
explorer.exeConsole65,444 K
SmcGui.exeConsole6,784 K
igfxtray.exeConsole4,108 K
hkcmd.exeConsole4,384 K
igfxpers.exeConsole4,184 K
SynTPStart.exeConsole4,700 K
smax4pnp.exeConsole6,336 K
ccApp.exeConsole552 K
QLBCTRL.exeConsole7,420 K
HPWAMain.exeConsole6,880 K
HpSysConDlgSrv.exeConsole1,840 K
P95tray.exeConsole7,612 K
iid.exeConsole4,192 K
sidebar.exeConsole24,404 K
BTTray.exeConsole9,536 K
SynTPEnh.exeConsole8,104 K
igfxsrvc.exeConsole5,820 K
pnamain.exeConsole11,380 K
WmiPrvSE.exeServices30,248 K
WiFiMsg.exeConsole4,336 K
HpqToaster.exeConsole6,080 K
BTStackServer.exeConsole14,772 K
SynTPHelper.exeConsole2,520 K
JuniperSetupClient.exeConsole9,708 K
conime.exeConsole3,480 K
mspaint.exeConsole38,060 K
WmiPrvSE.exeServices6,780 K


Startup Programs on Windows Vista

Task Manager to View Processes on Windows Vista

Introduction of Windows Vista

⇑⇑ Windows Vista Tutorials

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