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Services Running on Vista Enterprise Edition
What are basic services running on a Vista Enterprise Edition?
The table below gives you a list of basic services running on
a Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 1, system.
If you are running the same edition, you can compare
services running your system against this list.
This comparison will tell you if you have any extra services unnecessarily running on your system. These extra services will slow down your system and may harm your system if they are resulted by malware.
List of basic services running on a Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 1
Service Name | Display Name |
AEADIFilters | Andrea ADI Filters Service |
AeLookupSvc | Application Experience |
AgereModemAudio | Agere Modem Call Progress Audio |
Appinfo | Application Information |
AudioEndpointBuilder | Windows Audio Endpoint Builder |
Audiosrv | Windows Audio |
BFE | Base Filtering Engine |
BITS | Background Intelligent Transfer Service |
Browser | Computer Browser |
BthServ | Bluetooth Support Service |
Citrix_Password_Manager_Sagent | Citrix Password Manager Sagent |
CryptSvc | Cryptographic Services |
CscService | Offline Files |
DcomLaunch | DCOM Server Process Launcher |
Dhcp | DHCP Client |
Dnscache | DNS Client |
DPS | Diagnostic Policy Service |
dsNcService | Juniper Network Connect Service |
EapHost | Extensible Authentication Protocol |
EMDMgmt | ReadyBoost |
Eventlog | Windows Event Log |
EventSystem | COM+ Event System |
gpsvc | Group Policy Client |
hidserv | Human Interface Device Access |
IKEEXT | IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules |
Irmon | Infrared monitor service |
KeyIso | CNG Key Isolation |
KtmRm | KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator |
LanmanServer | Server |
LanmanWorkstation | Workstation |
lmhosts | TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper |
MMCSS | Multimedia Class Scheduler |
MpsSvc | Windows Firewall |
MsDtsServer | SQL Server Integration Services |
Netlogon | Netlogon |
Netman | Network Connections |
netprofm | Network List Service |
NlaSvc | Network Location Awareness |
nsi | Network Store Interface Service |
PcaSvc | Program Compatibility Assistant Service |
PlugPlay | Plug and Play |
Pointsec | Pointsec |
Pointsec_start | Pointsec Service Start |
PolicyAgent | IPsec Policy Agent |
ProfSvc | User Profile Service |
RasMan | Remote Access Connection Manager |
RemoteRegistry | Remote Registry |
RpcSs | Remote Procedure Call (RPC) |
SamSs | Security Accounts Manager |
SCardSvr | Smart Card |
Schedule | Task Scheduler |
seclogon | Secondary Logon |
SENS | System Event Notification Service |
ShellHWDetection | Shell Hardware Detection |
slsvc | Software Licensing |
Spooler | Print Spooler |
SSDPSRV | SSDP Discovery |
SstpSvc | Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service |
stisvc | Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) |
SysMain | Superfetch |
TabletInputService | Tablet PC Input Service |
TapiSrv | Telephony |
TermService | Terminal Services |
Themes | Themes |
TrkWks | Distributed Link Tracking Client |
upnphost | UPnP Device Host |
UxSms | Desktop Window Manager Session Manager |
W32Time | Windows Time |
WdiSystemHost | Diagnostic System Host |
WebClient | WebClient |
WerSvc | Windows Error Reporting Service |
Winmgmt | Windows Management Instrumentation |
Wlansvc | WLAN AutoConfig |
WPDBusEnum | Portable Device Enumerator Service |
wscsvc | Security Center |
WSearch | Windows Search |
wuauserv | Windows Update |
wudfsvc | Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework |
⇒ Task Manager to View Processes on Windows Vista
⇐ Services Management Console in Windows Vista
2017-03-04, 9097🔥, 0💬
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