How do I remove Switch between aps from the desktop?


ust updated to Win 8.1 All kinds of problems WiFi erratic Hard to get started, Flash player crashed and can't upgrade from Adobe site. "Switch between Aps" Icon is in middle of page on left side. Can't remove, blocks 2X2 in square. How can I remove, a total PIA. Mouse now works erratic. Not a happy camper. If I reload Ver. 8 will my problems go away?

✍: Guest


After upgrading to Windows 8.1, did you install all the required drivers and Windows updates?

Ensure that all pending Windows updates are installed. Ensure that all the drivers are up to date. Drivers are updated occasionally. Windows can update them automatically, or you can install the updated drivers yourself. It's important for you to have confidence in the updated drivers you install. Windows notifies you if it detects a suspicious or unsafe driver you shouldn't install.

Download and install drivers:

Perform the steps mentioned to turn off App Switching:
a: Press Windows key + I.
b: Then click Change PC Settings.
c: Then click PC and Devices.
d: Then click Corners and edges.
e: Move the Slider towards off for the option Allow switching between recent apps.

2015-01-05, 1981🔥, 0💬