Windows 8 Mail thinks I am someone else


Whenever I am displayed in Windows Mail it apparently thinks I am someone else in my company and even shows me his picture. The return email address is correct though. How can I just be come me again?

✍: Guest


Just a few questions to get a clear picture of the issue.

1. When you say it shows someone else, are you referring to a different person in the contact information or only the picture?

2. Which email have you configured on the mail app?

3. Does this occur when you send mails to everyone or to a particular person?

The contact information which gets displayed on the mail receiver's end depends on the information saved by that person. If a particular picture or any other information of you is merged with the other contacts this issue could occur.

Send a test mail to your any other email address and check if the issue persists.

Also send us a screen shot to understand the issue better.

How to embed images on Microsoft Community

2015-01-07, 1738🔥, 0💬