Lost Pre Installed Games


Installed Windows 8 Pro from the web onto my computer that was operating in Vista. In doing so I seem to have lost all the pre installed games that were on my computer such as Chess Titans, Hearts. Solitaire, Minesweeper etc. Can you advise where and or how I can retrieve these games and get them operating on my computer again.

✍: Guest


Those games were for Windows 7 when you install Windows 8 they aren’t not available. You can have the OP try the Windows Store and see what games are there to download.

If you want to play such games then you need to download the same from Windows Store.

Try the steps below to search for those games and install:

a. Switch to the Start screen. Click on Store tile to open Windows Store.

b. Once the Store is open, under Spotlight, you will see apps. Click on Got apps? Tile, to view the full list of apps that ship with Windows 8.

c. Click or tap on the app that you want to install. This action will open details page, where you can see features, release notes, and reviews.

d. On the left-pane (on details page), you will see Install button. Click on Install button to begin installing the app.

2015-11-06, 1732🔥, 0💬