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SynTPLpr.exe - Process - TouchPad Driver Helper Application
What is SynTPLpr.exe process - TouchPad Driver Helper Application?
Process SynTPLpr.exe is the TouchPad Driver Helper Application from Synaptics. SynTPLpr.exe is installed on laptop computers that have touchpads to provide additional configuration and support. But SynTPLpr.exe is not essential to the use of the touchpad.
SynTPLpr.exe process and program file info:
CPU usage: 00 % Memory usage: 2,740 K Launching method: System Startup - SynTPLpr Directory: C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP File name: SynTPLpr.exe Description: TouchPad Driver Helper Application Size: 98,304 bytes Date: Thursday, May 13, 2004, 10:23:56 AM Version: Company name: Synaptics System essential: No Virus/Spyware/Adware: No
2007-02-04, 8472🔥, 0💬
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