Full Properties of Installed Programs with "Get-WmiObject" on Windows 7


How to get the full list of all properties of an installed program with PowerShell "Get-WmiObject" cmdlet on Windows 7?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want to get the full list of all properties of an installed program on Windows 7, you can use the "Get-WmiObject" cmdlet as described in this tutorial:

1. Start a PowerShell window

2. Run the following command to get the full list of all properties of installed program "Microsoft Security Client":

PS C:\fyicenter> get-wmiobject -class win32_product 
  -filter "name='Microsoft Security Client'" | select-object -property *

Name              : Microsoft Security Client
Version           : 4.10.0207.0
InstallState      : 5
__GENUS           : 2
__CLASS           : Win32_Product
__SUPERCLASS      : CIM_Product
__DYNASTY         : CIM_Product
__RELPATH         : Win32_Product.IdentifyingNumber="{C7BC2AA0-21E0-43D1-8410-D
                    E7FCCD03C6F}",Name="Microsoft Security Client",Version="4.1
__DERIVATION      : {CIM_Product}
__NAMESPACE       : root\cimv2
__PATH            : \\FYICENTER\root\cimv2:Win32_Product.IdentifyingNumber
          Security Client",Version="4.10.0207.0"
AssignmentType    : 1
Caption           : Microsoft Security Client
Description       : Microsoft Security Client
HelpLink          :
HelpTelephone     :
IdentifyingNumber : {C7BC2AA0-21E0-43D1-8410-DE7FCCD03C6F}
InstallDate       : 20161215
InstallDate2      :
InstallLocation   : c:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\
InstallSource     : c:\9d9f7533ec6e24014a94a9f0753a\amd64\
Language          : 1033
LocalPackage      : c:\windows\Installer\ff311.msi
PackageCache      : c:\windows\Installer\ff311.msi
PackageCode       : {E72D11CA-B4AF-4479-8D0C-4D15220E22D3}
PackageName       : epp.msi
ProductID         :
RegCompany        :
RegOwner          :
SKUNumber         :
Transforms        :
URLInfoAbout      :
URLUpdateInfo     :
Vendor            : Microsoft Corporation
WordCount         : 2
Scope             : System.Management.ManagementScope
Path              : \\FYICENTER\root\cimv2:Win32_Product.IdentifyingNumber
          Security Client",Version="4.10.0207.0"
Options           : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
ClassPath         : \\FYICENTER\root\cimv2:Win32_Product
Properties        : {AssignmentType, Caption, Description, HelpLink...}
SystemProperties  : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
Qualifiers        : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
Site              :
Container         :

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2017-04-28, 2438🔥, 0💬