Other Resources:
"OracleXETNSListener - tnslsnr.exe" Service on Windows 7
What is "OracleXETNSListener" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "OracleXETNSListener" service related to tnslsnr.exe?
"OracleXETNSListener" is a Windows 7 service provided by tnslsnr.exe program file.
Detailed information on "OracleXETNSListener" service:
Service name: OracleXETNSListener Display name: OracleXETNSListener Execution command: C:\local\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\BIN\tnslsnr.exe Dependencies: None
"OracleXETNSListener" service is provided by a program called: tnslsnr.exe:
Name: tnslsnr.exe Location: C:\local\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\BIN\tnslsnr.exe Description: Oracle TNSLSNR Executable File version: Production Size: 522240 bytes Modified: 5/29/2014 4:14:38 PM UTC
Disabling "OracleXETNSListener" service should not cause any issues when running Windows 7 system.
⇒ "iPod Service - iPodService.exe" Service on Windows 7
⇐ "OracleServiceXE - ORACLE.EXE" Service on Windows 7
2017-02-02, 9238🔥, 0💬
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