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Multiple Quotations in a Single Parameter
Can I have multiple quotations in a single parameter for a batch file?
Yes, you can put multiple quotations in a single parameter for a batch file.
Quotations also be started and ended anywhere in the parameter.
Here are some examples on using quotations in a single parameter:
C:\fyicenter>Parameter-Cleaned.bat "\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14" (Parameter-Cleaned.bat) ("\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14") () () () () ("\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14") (\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14) C:\fyicenter>Parameter-Cleaned.bat \Pro"gram Fi"les\Microsoft" "Office\"Office"14 (Parameter-Cleaned.bat) (\Pro"gram Fi"les\Microsoft" "Office\"Office"14) () () () () (\Pro"gram Fi"les\Microsoft" "Office\"Office"14) (\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14) C:\fyicenter>dir /b \Pro"gram Fi"les\Microsoft" "Office\"Office"14 1033 AUTHZAX.DLL BCSLaunch.dll IEAWSDC.DLL MAPISHELL.DLL Mso Example Setup File A.txt MSOHEV.DLL MSOHEVI.DLL MSOHTMED.EXE NAMEEXT.DLL NPAUTHZ.DLL OLKFSTUB.DLL URLREDIR.DLL VisioCustom.propdesc VISSHE.DLL
⇒ Quotation without the Closing Mark
⇐ Remove Quotation Marks from Parameters
2021-11-12, 1808🔥, 0💬
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