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"Skype Meetings App.exe" Process on Windows 7
What is the "Skype Meetings App.exe" process on windows 7? Is the "Skype Meetings App.exe" process a virus? Can I terminate the "Skype Meetings App.exe" process?
"Skype Meetings App.exe" process
represents "Skype Meetings App" program.
"Skype Meetings App.exe" process is normally running under the parent process "Boot" as shown in the process tree below:
Boot Skype Meetings App
On the Processes tab of "Task Manager", "Skype Meetings App.exe" process may be listed as:
Image Name Memory Description -------------------- ---------- ----------- Skype Meetings App.e 131,604 K Skype Meetings App
Additional information about "Skype Meetings App.exe" process:
Command line: "C:\Users\fyicenter\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SkypeForBusinessPlugin \\Skype Meetings App.exe" sfb: ?legacy=RmFsc2U!&;meeturl=aHR0cH... Programe file information: Name: Skype Meetings App.exe Location: C:\Users\fyicenter\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SkypeForBusinessPlugin \\Skype Meetings App.exe Description: Skype Meetings App Version: Size: 488592 bytes Last modified: 11/18/2017 1:25:38 AM Company Name: Microsoft Corporation Some DLL libraries used: C:\windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll C:\windows\SYSTEM32\wow64.dll C:\windows\SYSTEM32\wow64win.dll C:\windows\SYSTEM32\wow64cpu.dll C:\windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll C:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll C:\windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll C:\windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll C:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll
"Skype Meetings App.exe" process is not a virus. But it will be removed if you close the "Skype Meetings App.exe" window.
⇒ "MpCmdRun.exe" Process on Windows 7
⇐ Application Program Processes on Windows 7
2019-04-17, 1892🔥, 0💬
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