FTP Command Line Client Program


FTP Command Line Client Program

✍: Guest


Here are some useful used FTP commands:

* open "host_name" - Establishes a connect to the FTP server at the specified host.
* disconnect - Stops the current connect.
* user "user_name" - Provides user name and password to pass the access authentication.
* quit - Quits the FTP program.
* dir - Displays the contents of the current directory on the server.
* cd "relative_path" - Changes the current directory to specified path on the server. "cd .." changes the current directory one level up in the directory tree.
* lcd "relative_path" - Changes the current directory to specified path on the local system.
* get "file_name" - Downloads the specified file from the server.
* put "file_name" - Uploads the specified file to the server.
* mget "*.*" - Downloads the specified multiple files from the server.
* mput "*.*" - Uploads the specified multiple files to the server.
* !dir - Displays the contents of the current directory on the local system.
* type "binary|ascii" - Changes the file transfer type to binary or ASCII. In binary type, files will be transferred as is. In ASCII type, files will be transferred with automatic conversion to match the receiving system file format. For example, a text file on a Unix FTP server will be downloaded to a Windows local system with line feed character being converted to two characters, line feed and carriage return. * prompt - Switches on or off the prompt for confirmation when using the mget and mput commands.
* help - Displays all available commands supported by the FTP client program.

2008-10-14, 5694🔥, 0💬