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Installing Office XP Tool Simplified Chinese Language Pack
How do I install simplified and traditional Chinese language packs on my Windows XP system?
✍: FYIcenter
Installing simplified and traditional Chinese language packs on Windows XP can be done in 6 steps:
1. Run Internet Explorer (IE) and go to Microsoft Download Center at
2. Search for "Chinese Language Pack" and click on "Office XP Tool: Simplified Chinese Language Pack" in the search result list. The "Office XP Tool: Simplified Chinese Language Pack" download page shows up.
3. Click the "Download" button next to the "ie_zhc.exe, 2.5MB" download item.
The "File Download - Security Warning" dialog box shows up:
4. Click "Run" to install the language pack. The "Microsoft Chinese (Simplified) Language Support" installation confirmation dialog box shows up.
5. Click "Yes" to continue and finish the installation.
6. Repeat the same process to install the "Traditional Chinese Language Pack".
2010-09-27, 16006🔥, 0💬
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